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The DEO seemed oddly quiet. After I brought Mon-el in, he passed out on one of the med bay beds. I wanted to stay with him, but our relationship was still supposed to be a secret. So, in turn, Imra stayed by his side, while I waited outside.

As I was sitting there, footsteps grew louder from the med bay doors. I swiftly turned my head to see Imra walking up to me. I quickly got to my toes. "How is he?" I asked worriedly.

"Asleep" she replied coldly "If you hadn't been so stupid and selfish, he wouldn't be in this mess"

"What?" I asked her tooken aback.

"I know that you injected yourself with that serum." She stated in a threating tone.

"How?" I asked now intrigued.

"I tapped into Winns com. I heard everything you said. I want you to stay away from my husband. All you do is hurt him"

"Does anyone else know" I sighed. This was inevitable, they were ganna find out eventually.

"No, when I tapped into the com it blocked all contact to Winn. No one else heard." She stepped closer.  "And if you want to keep it that way I suggest you stay away from Mon-el. "

I simply nodded and walked off. I was tired of fighting with her. It seemed all she does is try her absolute hardest to make my life difficult. 

Training seemed like an appropriate thing to do at this point. I had a lot of built up anger and I was more than ready to let it all out. I opened the door slowly to make sure no one else was hiding out in there. 

When the coast was clear I walked over to one of the steel poles and got into a fighting stance. I swiftly kicked the hard object, not using all of my strength knowing if I did, the pole would come right out of the ground.

Was Imra right? Is all I'm doing is hurting Mon-el?

I threw a punch making a small, unnoticeable dent. 

I'm the reason he went after Reign and got stabbed. Because I was so selfish he almost lost his life.

I kicked once again, making a large bending sound. 

I'm the reason he got into a fight with Adam. ADAM!

I quickly stopped hitting the pole in front of me, remembering the interaction I had with him the other night. I never stopped to explain to him what happened. I need to find him, I need to explain to him that I want to be with him. 

I can't keep putting Mon-el in harms way. I need to set him free, he needs to go back to the future with his wife. 

I walk out of the training room with determination on my face. I almost get to the balcony, ready to fly out as fast as I can, when Alex steps in front of me, making me skid to a stop so I don't run into her. 

"Where are you going?" She asks with an extremely sassy tone. 

"I'm going to go find Adam. I think I'm ganna tell him I still have feeling for him." I shrug

"Why would you do that?" She looks as if her eyes are going to pop right out her head.

"Because I like Adam, and its not like I'm in any other relationship." I lie, fishing to see if Mon-el told her anything.

She pulls me over into an empty room keeping her eyes on mine. "Mon-el told me everything Kara." She whispers as I roll my eyes. "And the past week you've just been so" She pauses looking for the right word. "so happy"

"Mon-el shouldn't have told you, and plus I need to tell him it's done, over with." I spat, now irritated.

"Why Kara?" she asks grabbing my rist as I try to walk away

"Because all I do is hurt him" I yell turning around releasing myself from her hold.

"How Kara? Please enlighten me?" She screams back. I watch as many of the DEO agents stare through the glass.

I take a step backwards. "I don't have the time for this, I have stuff to do and places to be." I calmly tell her. "I just can't keep hurting him" 

I step back into the main part of the DEO as agents stare at me. I don't acknowledge them I just stare at the ground and head over to the balcony. 

As I'm about to head off into the sky a voice calls out behind me. Its not hard to hear due to the fact at how quiet it is. I swiftly turn around and direct my eyes to his. "Where are you going" Mon-el asks me stepping up the stairs and onto the balcony with me. 

As I'm about to reply and tell him the truth, I notice Imra walking up and bare my attention to her. 

"To find Adam" I say regrouping my thoughts and turning back to the man I love. "I'm going to tell him that I-" I gulp loudly not ready to say the words that are about to come out of my mouth "love him"

I watch as Mon-els face falls. He stares at the ground not knowing what to say. He couldn't out us in the middle of the DEO. Out of the corner of my eye I see Imra nodding with a devilish smirk on her face.

Unable to look at the sadness in his eyes I turn around and fly out into the nights sky. Still attempting to relize the hell hole of a situation I just created.


Hey queens and or kings. I haven't updated this story in a while due to the fact of I didn't have any motivation.

But it's alright, I'm still planing on continuing, this was just a minor set back.

I began writing a new story and I really hope you guys will check it out. It's called " The Only Way".

Alright. That's all. Have a wonderful day!

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