7: Mon-el

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   I wake up in a cell. Another damn cell. Why do I always end up in these things.
   I stand looking around for a way out. I need to save Kara. Who am I kidding? I have no idea how long I've been in here, they could've already disconnected her. I sit back down and salk into myself.

   When I hear the door to the room I'm in open, I shoot up. It's Alex. She's been crying. Again. She looks at me. They may not be biologically related, but the Danvers sisters look an awful lot alike. I've seen this scene before. When I arrived back on earth and they locked me in a cell. Alex was standing there with her fingers up to her mouth, thinking of what to say.

   "We haven't disconnected her yet." She finally speaks, in a quiet scratchy voice. She lowers her fingers and stands up straight "if you behave, I will let you out and you can come say one last goodbye with the rest of us." She says in a stern voice.

   I stare at her thinking. I soon nod in understanding. Telling her I will behave and watch her let Kara die(not in that way of course).

   She give me a small, broken smile and then opens the door. "Thankyou" I say quietly walking out. "I'm sorry" I say as I push her into the cell i was previously in. I quickly relocked the cell.

   "Mon-el" she screams as I push her in. She falls to the floor and looks up at me.

   "I'm sorry Alex, but I can't let you kill Kara." I tell her while backing up to the door

   She gets to her feet and start to bang on the glass. "Let me out" she screams repeativly.

   I quickly run out of the door and lock it behind me. I look around the DEO. Everyone is still sad. But no one really noticed my presence. Not until Imra walked up to me.

   "Hey, where were you?" She asks touching my arm.

   I pull my arm away and say quickly "I was doing stuff, but now I have more stuff to do, so if you'll excuse me"

    She steps in front of me. "Imra I really have to get past you" she stands there firmly. I pick her up and move her over.

   Now my presence is definitely known. Many DEO agents are staring at me. I quickly walk my self to Kara's  room, a couple of people try to stop me, but I just push past them. I'm about to walk into Kara's room when i see an angry J'onn, Winn, and an extremely aggravated Alex, running twards me.

   I hop into Kara's room and close the door behind me, quickly pressing buttons to try to lock it. When I find myself successful, I give myself a quick pat on the back and walk to Kara's tube.

   I hear banging and my name being called on the Other side of the door, I attempt to ignore it. I walk closer to Kara. "Kara, don't worry, I'm going to save you. I WILL NOT let you die. " I say petting the glass

   I soon realize that i can't move her because then she'll die. But if I try to stay here, the DEO will knock the door down. As I'm pondering to myself about what to do I hear a loud crash through the window next to Kara.

   A body rolls in through it. I see that it's Reign and get into my fighting stance to protect Kara. "Move aside pesant" she says in a cold voice

   "Not a chance"i hold my stance

   She quickly runs up to me while I try to dodge her attack. She runs herself into the wall and breaks through it. She circles back around through the air and come at me, this time knocking me down.

   Reign soon gets on top of me and begins to punch me repeativly. The pain starts to rush through my veins along side the anger.

   Once she's sure I'm down, she gets off of me and walks over to Kara. I wobble up and push her as hard as I possibly can from behind. She falls onto the tube and breaks the glass.

   Reign falls to the ground and water begins to rush out of the tube. When the water has over taken the room, karas limp body falls to the ground. I rush over to Reign and begin to punch her this time. I punch and punch as hard as I can, not thinking I can ever stop.

   Not until I hear an almost silent squeaky sound "Mon-el?" I turn around to see Kara. She's standing right in front of me. He hair is soaked along with her clothes, but she still looks absolutely beautiful.

    As I'm cought off guard by the amazing sight I see in front of me Reign pushes me off of her and rushes out of the whole she had made before.

   I stand up quickly and rush over to Kara. I pull her into a hug, picking her up and twirling her around. I place her gently back on the ground. " I-I can't belive" I trail off

   "Me neither" she finishes while laughing a bit.

   As I was staring at Kara in amazement the door opend. Alex,  J'onn, Winn, and James were standing in the front of the crowd.

   As soon as they saw Kara they rushed over. Alex pulling her into a hug first. The J'onn. Winn. Then James.

   Kara looked over to me and smiled mouthing 'thankyou' as everyone around us was talking at once. She's awake. She's finnaly awake. We thought it was finnaly all over. Little did we know, this was the start of something, much, much bigger. Bigger then any of us.

|AN| SHE'S FINNALY AWAKE. Alright so i didn't know if you guys just wanted me to have Kara die. I mean I didn't want to do that but... Anyways, I decited to make her wake up, because this all belongs to a giant story line. This is just the beginning. I hope your still all enjoying. Have an amazing day! <3

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