1: Alex

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It's been 4 months since Reign beat Kara. She's been in a coma and it's finnaly time we all say our goodbyes. We need to say goodbye. It's been long enough she's not going to wake up.

I still can't help but feel guilty. I'm basically killing my little sister. Im pulling the plug on her life. I'm the reason she is going to die. My mother will blame me, J'onn will blame me, Winn, James, Mon-el, they will all blame me for Kara's death. This is my call. And I'm the reason she isn't going to make it out of that tube.

They tell me they're not upset, they tell me they aren't angry, but you can see it. You can see the hatred they feel for me and you can see the sadness and pity they feel for Kara. I decide to say goodbye first, I'm the reason for this, so why wouldn't I?

I walk into the cold room she is in. After the first 2 months we decited to move her off of Mon-els ship and into the DEO. We wanted her to feel at home, and to be in a safe place when she woke up. If. I silently correct my own thoughts.

The room is silent. All you can here is the machine Kara's tube is connected to, making a small humming noise. I walk closer to her and the door shuts behind me.

"I don't know where to start" I belt out. "Kara, you are the best thing that has ever walked into my life" I let out a sob and then a small laugh "Flew" I corrected.

"I am so, so s-sorry" I breath out. "Why am I doing This? Why am I trying to let you go? You don't need to be let go. You can stay here forever." I smile as I feel the tears stream down my cheeks.

"I can't keep waiting around Kar" I cross my arms "i can't keep waiting, I can't keep hoping you will just magically wake up. It's not an option anymore. I wish that you would just magically wake up. Then everything can go back to normal. We can beat Reign" I unfold my arms and put my hand on the cold glass hopeing, praying she'll reach out and do the same.
"Why did you leave me?" I sob "Why-why did I let you go on that damn mission. I knew you weren't strong enough, and I let you leave anyway. I watched you walked out. Kara, you're my sister, you're my family. You're the only one that keeps me sane." I take my hand off the glass " when mom comes over, or when J'onn is up my ass. I always look to you." I laugh while continuing to cry.

"I know all of this time you think I've been protecting you, but no Kara, you've been protecting me. You've been the reason I get up in the morning since Maggie left. Because I get to see your smiling face and I know everything will be okay. I know I will be Okay" I look out the small window that's on the wall next to her tube.

"I wish you could've had a life. I wish you found someone better then Mon-el. I wish I got to see you get married. I wish I got to see my first niece or nephew. I wish I got to watch you grow old with the love of your life." I smile and look back to her" And then you can to die, after you have had a long and fulfilling life. But not now" my smile fades

"I feel like I'm punishing myself. But if I don't do this, I feel like you're punishing me. And I don't want you to wake up 20 years from now and me be a crazy old hag, and plus if we let you go, you can see your family once again" I smile once more. "It's time for me to say goodbye. Its time for everyone to say goodbye." Tears continue to stream down my face.

"Goodbye, Kara" I rub the glass "I love You," I pause " I hope Rao treats you Well"

I wipe away my tears and walk out of the room. I see some agents looking solomly and others looking angry. I can still feel the tears rushing down my face no matter how hard I try to wipe them away.

J'onn walks up to me and pulls me into an embrace. "I'm s-s-sorry" I try to say.

"I understand, what you are doing is right. She deserves to find peace" he hugs me tighter. As I let go I watch him walk into the Kara's room. He's next.

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