17: Mon-el

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Kara has been weird since the Reign incident. She's been distant. And I still haven't had the chance to tell her I'm still in love with her.

How are you supposed to just bring that up in conversation. Hey, just so you know, I never forgot about you those past seven years and I'm still deaply in love with you, but if I brake it off with Imra, planets will go to war.

It's not really something to just bring up on a mission. I just need to catch her at a good time. A time where she doesn't look like her heads on a different planet.

Every time I try to talk to her about anything she just shrugs it off. She says she had to go do something. And then when i try to follow her she just disappears.

"Kara" I called as she walks away.

She stops and turns her body around, placing a smile on her face. "What's up?"

"Can I take you to dinner tomarrow night. I have to talk to you about something important." I say as the nervousness in my voice is extremely clear.

"Is it Reign related. Because she's still in critical condition and if Lena doesn't separate her from Sam then" she rambles

"It has nothing to do with work" I interrupt her.

"Oh," she stops. "Then of course" she smiles once again. "What's it about?"

"You'll see" I smirk. "Um I'll pick you up at 7, if that okay"

"Perfect" she says turning back around and walking to Winn.

When I turn around to walk away, Imra is standing right behind me, making me jump back a bit. "You scared me" I tell her.

"Why are you taking her to dinner. " she looks over at Kara then back at me.

"I just have to talk to her" I say turning back around and walking away. I hear her follow me. "Why, were you even listening to our conversation anyway?" I question.

"Because I don't want you cheating on me with that disgusting blonde mop" she spats.

I stop dead in my tracks and turn around to face her, hatred burning in my eyes. "What did i tell you about talking about Kara that way" I say stepping closer.

"I could care less what you said to me. What I care about is what you said to her. Or are going to say." She crosses her arms

I turn back around, tired of fighting. "Mon-el. " she says. I stop not botherd to turn around again. "I know you care a lot about her. And I'm sorry for saying those awful things" I hear her step closer. "I just love you so much" she grabbed my arm. "And I don't want to lose you"

"I'm sorry Imra." I say "I just, don't love you anymore. You've already lost me" She lets go of my arm as I walk away. I don't know what She did, or how she reacted, I just walked away.


I stood outside of Kara's door in a black tux. I looked down to my watch. 6:59.

I hadn't talked to Imra since the day before. Since I told her that I didn't love her. I haven't heard anyone talk about her either, so mabye she took what I said okay.

As my watch turns to 7:00 I look back to the door and press my fists to it 3 times.

After a few seconds Kara opens the door wearing a stunning light blue short dress, with her hair flowing down, and her glasses on.

"Hey" she smiles

"Hi" I hesitantly say, still stunned by her beauty.

"Is everything okay?" She asks as her brows furrows

"Everything is great. You look beautiful." I smile

"Oh" she blushes "Thank You"

"Shall we? " I ask holding out my arm.

"We shall" she laughs.


After we finished eating at a very fancy restaurant I can't pronounce, we sat there waiting for the waitress to bring us dessert.

"So" I start as she looks up. "The reason I asked you to dinner tonight was because I wanted to tell you that I broke it off with Imra." I say bluntly

"Oh my goodness. Why?" She asks.

"Because I didn't love her anymore." I tell her.

"Oh" she tries to hide her disappointment.

"But I think it's also because I never really stopped loving you" I say as she looks up again.

She doesn't say anything. She just stares at me, a loss of words. "Um, I understand that this might be hard for. And I'm having a lot of trouble explaining this but here" I slide over an USB.

"What's this?" She asks grabbing it.

"It's the footage from the night I said goodbye to you while you were in your coma. It will explain everything." I say standing up. "Watch it" I drop a 100 dollar bill onto the table and walk out of the restaurant.

I'm still sorry about updating. I'm really trying to get good chapter out for you guys. I hope your all still enjoying. And have a wonderful day! <3

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