Prologue: Kara

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I would like to believe that there is good in everyone. That the Earth is not a horrible place. And that anyone can change for the better. At least, that's what I used to believe.

But as I fell off that 40 story building and watched my life flash before my eyes, I realized, everyone is not good. The Earth is a horrible place. And not everyone can change no matter what you try.

I lost. It was over. Reign won. The world killers won. I thought back to the memories, all of them. Seeing Alex's smile when she and Maggie said 'I love You' for the first time, gave me an inch of hope. But then only milliseconds later seeing the tears fall out of her eyes when her and Maggie broke up, destroyed that inch, not that it would have done anything. I silently apologised to Alex, because I knew I wouldn't be home for our weekly movie night where we shared our secrets, watched musicals, and ate.

Next I saw Winn, when he talked about Lyra his eyes lit up. Telling the story of how they first met over and over again, made my heart melt. But when he told me Lyra only used him to steal art from a museum to get her brother back made it go back to it's sad, stone state. Saying goodbye to Winn face to face wouldve been so hard, to hard. That's why I'm happy it ended like this.

Soon after seeing Winn, I saw J'onn. How his smile grew ten times bigger when he talked about M'gann made me smile faintly. But then I see the heartbreaking storm in his eyes after she left earth for mars, it made my faint smile disappear faster then it had arrived. J'onn was like another father to me and Alex. I'm glad she will still have someone after I'm gone.

Then I see Lena and James, they look so happy. They deserve to be happy. They've both gone through so much. James's father died when he was 11 in war. And Lena just grew up in the wrong family. So she had the hanging name of 'Luthor' above her head for as long as anyone can remember. I hope they both find happiness after I'm gone. If not with each other, then with other people.

I soon see Eliza and Jeremiah. I didn't deserve there love, but they gave it to me anyways. They helped raise me, and taught me when my own mother and father abandon me. I can feel a tear fall from my eye when I think about how Jeremiah betrayed us. All of us. Seeing the pain in Eliza's eyes hurt so much. I know Alex will take care of Eliza though, she has done it so long with me she won't be able to break routine.

Team Flash, Team Arrow, and the Legends show up next. They have all helped me through so much. Helped saved me from getting my heart tooken out by an evil me. I owe them my life. I grow sad at the thought that I will never get the chance to see Oliver and Felicity get married, or Barry and Iris's first child. I'll never get to see any of them again.

I can feel myself getting closer to the ground when I think about my family from Krypton. I hope to see them soon, I pray Roa sends me to them. I want to see then again. I want to touch them again. I want to look into there eyes and see warmth and hope. Something I haven't had for the past 10 months. I think of Kal-el, he risks his life every single day and can make it out alive each time to go home to Lois. Which is not as much as I can say for my self.

Finnaly I see him. Mon-el. I remember everything. All of our amazing nights, smiling, laughing, crying. But then I think of the last two months. How happy he is with Imra. How he doesn't care anymore. If Imra makes him happy, then he should be happy with her, no matter my feelings. I just wish I could tell him I love him one more time, even if he didn't say it back.

Game nights. Pot stickers. Amazing friends. Amazing family. An amazing relationship that I wish so much never ended. It seemed to be an amazing life. Heart brake and pain always come with it. It's what makes us who we are. At least that's what Alex tells me. I just wish mine hadn't come in the fashion it did. I spent 7 months thinking i killed the love of my life. Thinking I destroyed our relationship. When In all reality, he did. And who can blame him? I understand. I just wish it hadn't happend like this.

I soon felt myself crash into the hard concrete braking all of it underneath me. And that's when all went black.

Alright that is the first chapter of "Not Enough Time". I am really going to try to make these chapters sorta long. Also, basically how this is going to work is, every chapter is going to be named after a character, it will be that characters POV. And basically how they are saying goodbye to Kara. The next chapter will be 4 months later. Thankyou for reading and I hoped you enjoyed! :)

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