3: Lena

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I was in my office waiting. James said he had to tell me something. Something is wrong I know it. He's been sad ever since Kara left 4 months ago. He told me she went to live with her mother because of Mon-el, but I didn't believe him. She would've told me. She would've gotten in some sort of contact with me.

He solomly walked in. I shot up out of my seat and put my hands in front of me. He doesn't say anything so I come out from behind my desk and walk closer to him. "What is it James?" I ask quietly.

A tear streams down his cheek. I look at him until he says "you are going to want to sit down"

I bring him to the couch in my office. He puts his hand on mine. "Kara is not with her Mom, she's been in a coma for the last four months. Alex" he stops "we have decided it's time to let her go "

I stand up "What?!" I silently scream. "Why haven't you told me about her condition until now?"

"Because, there's something else you don't know. " I sit back down "Kara is supergirl." I stare at him wide eyed. "You can come and see her. Here is the address" he hands me a slip of paper "we are disconnecting her next week." He stands up and says "I'm sorry" and then walks out.

I look down at the address. If they have decided to say goodbye to Kara then I need to say goodbye.


I walk into a large steal building, my eyes wet with tears. A man walks up to me. I know his face. He's an FBI agent that helped me when I did my speech.

"James told me everything, I'm here to say goodbye to Kara. " I say to him. He points me to a door. I reluctantly step in to see my best friend in a glass tube.

The door shuts behind me, making me jump a bit. I look at Kara. She has bruises and cuts on her face, she still looks so peaceful. "Kara?" I ask holding back tears. "How could you do this to Me? How could you not tell me? I just found out this awesome secret about you and-and now I don't even get to talk to you" I bite my lip as the tears fall.

"This-this is unfair." I sniffle "you didn't deserve this, you didn't get to have a life" I walk closer to her " why didn't you tell Me? Was I not trust worthy enough? I could've kept your secret. I honestly wouldn't have anyone to tell " I laughed a bit to myself.

"Kara you and Sam are basically my only friends. And loosening you is harder then when i lost my father and he ment the world to me."

"I want you to know, that meeting you, meeting my best friend, was the best thing that could've happend to me. Before you, I was just Lex Luthers sister. All I had was Luthor Corp. But you helped me becom Lena Luthor. You helped me build Lcorp. Your the reason I met James, and James makes me so happy." I smiled as the tears streamed.

I put my hand on the glass, "I can't do this without you Kara, I just can't. I can't watch you leave, so I hope you understand, that when they disconnect you, I will not be here. I think the smart thing is to say goodbye now."

I take my hand off the glass and put it in front of me, while taking a step back. "So Kara Danvers, this is goodbye. I love you and will miss you, so s-so much."

Tears streamed down my face and i walked out of her room. James walked up go me and pulled me into an embrace. I cried harder into his chest while he rubbed my back.

James pushed me out of his chest after a few minuets and held my shoulders. I nodded and he walked into her room. It was his turn to say goodbye.

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