Merlin FanFic -- Poison --

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Hey people!

Sorry for the delay on this but i didnt know what to write but lucky i have had a light bulb :)

The story is now going to really pick up and the romance between Gwaine and Morgana is going to start :D




Next person to fan gets the dedication :)


Chapter 15 –

        Merlin felt hot. No, he felt boiling and like his blood was on fire. Merlin sat back on the floor of Arthur’s chamber and wiped the sweat from his head and took a deep breath trying to get cool. It had been a week since the beast attacked and Arthur was back and still in a foul mood as they couldn’t track the beast. Merlin felt slightly smug that hadn’t got the beast. Arthur was even more annoyed as the beast went after Merlin when he was alone and that he hadn’t been there to save to Merlin. Merlin got up from the floor and picked up the bucket of water and left the room so he could get some fresh. Merlin was on this way to the well when he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, Merlin had to stop and grip the wall for support and he weakly wiped away the sweat on his forehead. Merlin took a deep breath and pushed himself off the wall and carried on slowly down the hall to the well. He reached the well breathless and boiling hot; Merlin filled the bucked and used some of the water to pour of his head so he could cool down. The water had no effect so Merlin made his way slowly back to Arthur’s chambers so he could finish the chores. Merlin finally made it back and Arthur was there looking at the map on his table. Arthur looked up at Merlin and was shocked at what he saw. Merlin was carrying the bucket of water but he was covered in sweat and looked breathless. Arthur thought it was odd as it was a cold day in Camelot. Merlin weakly put the bucket down aware that Arthur was looking at him and Merlin got to work slowly. Arthur watched as Merlin weakly washed the floor, he knew that something was wrong but he wasn’t sure what. Arthur leaned up and walked over to Merlin.
“Are you alright Merlin?” He asked and Merlin looked up at Arthur’s worried face and it made him almost smile that Arthur was actually worried.
“I’m fine Arthur; I’m just a little hot.” Arthur nodded and Merlin could tell that Arthur didn’t believe him.

         Merlin turned to carry on with his chore when he felt another wave of dizziness strike but this time his muscles felt weak. The arm Merlin was leaning on while washing the floor gave way and Merlin lay there on the floor panting.
“Merlin!” Arthur shouted helplessly. He bent down next to Merlin and didn’t like the sight of what he saw.
“Guards!” Arthur shouted and instructed that the guards got Gaius immediately. Merlin could hear Arthur shouting but it sounded far away and he knew that something was wrong with him. He thought that maybe he was coming down with an illness or something. Merlin found that he was struggling to breathe and he knew that something bad was going to happen. Arthur watched helplessly as Merlin’s breathing started to slow down.
“You have to breathe Merlin.” Arthur commanded and wished that Gaius would hurry up. Suddenly Gaius opened the door and was shocked to find Merlin on the floor with Arthur at his side. Gaius ran over to Merlin and saw that Merlin was sweating and that he was struggling to breathe and Gaius wished that it wouldn’t happen to Merlin; he thought that Merlin was strong enough. Gaius leaned over Merlin and pulled his shirt down to reveal the bite that he had got from the beast and he found that the bite was bigger and looked more serious. Gaius gasped as he realized that Merlin had been poisoned by the beast.
“What’s wrong with him Gaius?” Arthur commanded and Arthur watched the grave expression on Gaius’ face. Gaius turned to him.
“He has been poisoned by the beast.” Arthur felt the blood drain from his face he knew that the other victims hadn’t survived the poison that the beast had administered.
“There has to be something that you can do Gaius.” Arthur pleaded and Gaius pursed his lips. Merlin watched as Gaius and Arthur exchanged glances and kept looking at him and Merlin was frustrated as he couldn’t make out what they were saying but he knew that it wasn’t good. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and he cried out trying to grip his shoulder but he was being pinned down by Arthur and Gaius. Merlin felt the burning from his shoulder race through his veins and it felt as if he was being burnt from the inside out. Merlin screamed out in pain and then felt the world go black.
“There is a remedy that he can have Arthur but it will only slow down the poison and it will only buy him a few more days.” Arthur ran a hand through his hair and jumped when he heard Merlin cry out. He looked down and watched Merlin writhe in pain and try to grip his shoulder. Gaius grabbed his hand and pinned him down and so Arthur got the other side and he looked at Gaius helplessly.
“What can I do?” He pleaded. Arthur needed to save Merlin.
“The only way is to track the beast and the antidote is in it’s blood so you need to get a sample. Beware Arthur, the only way to defeat the beast is with magic and only Merlin is the one who holds the power to destroy it.” Arthur nodded.
“I will get the blood and bring it back. How long does he have Gaius?” Gaius glanced at Merlin.
“He only has about a week Arthur.” Arthur nodded and then scooped up Merlin.
“Take him to his chambers and I will treat him there.” Arthur strode out of the door and carried Merlin to his chambers.

         Morgana was stood outside the chambers that she shared with Merlin talking to Gwaine. They were talking about fighting techniques when she heard a commotion and when she turned she found that Arthur was carrying a limp Merlin. Morgana felt panic and ran over to Arthur who pushed her out the way and he walked in and placed him on the bed. Morgana ran over to Merlin’s side and took his hand and glared at Arthur.
“What happened?” She demanded and Arthur glared back.
“He was poisoned by the beast.” Morgana gasped and glanced at Gaius.
“What can you do?” She pleaded and Gaius looked sad.
“I can only give a remedy to slow the poison. We need a blood sample from the beast to make the antidote.” Morgana felt her heart sink as she looked at Merlin lying there looking weak. She ran a hand through his hair and hoped that he would pull through.
“I am going to track the beast and get the sample and bring it to Gaius.” Morgana looked at Arthur.
“I’m coming with you.” Arthur shook his head and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stand Morgana if she came with him and he knew that she would slow him down.
“You need to stay here with Merlin. He is going to need you.” Morgana nodded reluctantly knowing that she wouldn’t be able to leave Merlin and she would rather stay here and make sure that he was okay.
“I’m going to get my men ready but Gwaine is going to stay here and keep guard of Merlin.” Morgana nodded not looking at Arthur and she heard him leave. She leaned foreword and kissed his forehead.
“Please don’t leave me.” She whispered. Gaius gave Merlin the remedy to slow the poison and watched helplessly as the remedy took effect and Merlin began to thrash about in pain. He then calmed and fell still breathing slowly. Arthur strode down the corridor and called all of his knights to the throne room. He met them there and they stood there waiting for his command.
“Merlin was poisoned by the beast and we need to somehow track it and bring back a blood sample to Gaius so he can cure Merlin.” The knights looked shocked but they all nodded and Arthur was glad that the knights stood by him no matter what he asked them to do.

“Prepare yourselves! We leave immediately.” Arthur announced and the knights dispersed the weapon room where they got geared up and ready to track the beast and save Merlin.





next person to fan gets the dedication XD

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