Negative Energy Brings Negative Entities

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I'll always update she said. SHE LIED! And she's very very sorry.

Important: Not collecting in anymore paranormal experiences and no 2nd book.

I am not collecting in anymore stories because I have over 100.

There will be no 2nd book because I realised stories on Wattpad can go over 100 chapters and therefore I will create a very long first book.

Some person commented that it is annoying when I say 'comment ..... If you read this' and so I will do it JUST for you, darling.

If you read all of this comment 'mango'.


It started just a few years ago. I used to have to share a room with my parents and my brother. After a while they built an extension and put one big room in there for my brother and I, and later on they would put a wall in between. I was 10 at the time. I always had a hard time sleeping so I'd always be up while everyone was sleeping. I'd always hear something, like someone creeping up the stairs. I wouldn't do anything about it, and I'd be too scared to look so I'd just turn the other direction until I fell asleep.

When I turned 11 they built a wall so we can have our own room, our own privacy. I had a guitar but I never used it or even bothered to try it out. After I had got settled into my room, I would hear someone walking by the door every night. It would do that for days, then my guitar would play and I would ignore it and pass it off as sick because I see and hear crazy stuff when I'm sick. (it's genetic)

When I was 12 I got sick of it and started sleeping on the couch. That went good until I turned 13. I'd hear someone walking around in the basement. There isn't a door to our basement it's just a gate wrapped around the stairs. I'd hear it creeping up the stairs, and I'd turn around and face the back of the couch when it reached the top and I'd feel it watching me.

One day I decided to tell my parents, because I mean; after 3 years you get pretty sick of it. My mom went around with holy water, sage and sweet grass. I honestly don't believe in any of that but what more could she do? The stuff didn't do much because I still heard it, and I was too afraid of my bedroom.

I'd still hear it creeping up the stairs but this time I'd hear it going around the living room too and I was completely terrified.

One day I was sitting on the couch using my laptop. Everything was going good up until my dad got up to use the bathroom. He didn't make halfway down the hall. Something shoved him to the ground. He thought someone broke in but there was no one there. We all seen it happen. My mother, being the way she is, immediately grabbed the sage, the holy water and the sweet grass.

One day, my nephew and I were sitting in the living room. I saw my father walk out into the living room. He stopped at the door and looked at us. He looked dead. His eyes looked sunk in and he looked very pale. He opened the door and walked out. I looked at my nephew to ask if he saw it too, but it was obvious that he did because he looked terrified. I walked into my parents room to ask my mother about it, and they were both in there. My mom and my dad. I told them about it so my dad, again, thought someone broke in the house. So he asked some people that we know if they saw anything but they didn't.

We never heard of it again. I honestly think it was brought into the house because of all the negative energy. Over the years my parents fought a lot. After I turned 13 there was a lot going on with me and I was always mad, and upset about things. When I was 11 I was bullied a lot, and it kept going over the years which would explain why I was always upset plus other things going on. So I really think it was attracted to all of the negative energy that was left in the house.

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