Rebecca_Robinson's Story

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Dedicated to Rebecca_Robinson :)

So I realised just before that I have 400 followers. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am seriously so grateful :') I LOVE YOU ALL :******* and wow 850,000 reads that is like... 38392883 billion to me I WISH I COULD HUG EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO HAS READ THIS BOOK. :) ok enough soppyness.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in what seems like a million years. I will try and update more often (I know I always say that BUT I WILL TRY) and then I might do a sequel ;) *cough* hint *cough*


My family loves Halloween and all things paranormal, it doesn't scare or worry us at all. I have quite a few stories to tell.

When I was around 4 grandma's brother died, it hit us really hard because we all loved him so much! My mum told me that I was around at her house when I came down stairs and said "don't worry grandma, uncle toms only upstairs" she freaked out and run up. The only thing left was an old photo of them as kids which she still has in her drawers.

Another time was when my little brother who is now 4 came down and said "oh grandma you're here" we were confused and asked him what he meant and she said so clearly "your mummy ivy is upstairs she has red hair and blue eyes just like you! Shes a bit sad that she didn't say sorry" now this was creepy because no one ever speaks about my grandmas mum at all because they had some serious problems and weren't ever close. For him to describe her exactly and the part about her not saying sorry is weird because he wouldn't have got that some anywhere else.

I live in a newly built house and so I thought it would be fine and not creepy like my grandmas. Gosh was I wrong. My sister, cousin and I were upstairs playing murderer in the dark. When suddenly I see what looks like my sister running so I go up to it and its gone. I had my hair in plaits and no joke someone pulled one and it really hurt, like it was a full on tug which pulled some of my hair out, I turned the lights on and my cousin and sister were downstairs when I was upstairs on my own.

Another time is when I was babysitting my little brother who was 2, he's called Zach. It was getting late so I took him upstairs to get in the bath. As we were walking up the stairs my cat ran out of my room and down the stairs, we thought nothing of it until my tv turns on blaring out the Wizard of Oz. On full volume! I ran in and turned it off. I only have it on about 10 so having it suddenly turn on at 80 is very weird.

Another time I was sitting in my room watching upstairs downstairs (I know hahaha) and I hear right by my bed a huge sigh so I looked down thinking it was my sister but no one was there.

Another time I was doing my hair with no one in the house but me when a black shadow runs past behind me. I jumped out of my skin! I had never been so scared in my life! I ran downstairs and just as I got there I heard footsteps running through the rooms upstairs. I freaked out, grabbed a knife thinking some creep got into my house. Ran upstairs and screamed at the top of my voice "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" then it goes silent. And again I hear footsteps walking slowly down the stairs I followed and opened the front door and said as calmly as I could "please leave me alone" and the front door slammed shut. I was so scared and I thought that was the end... you guessed it, more activity happened yesterday.

It was very early in the morning and I was brushing my teeth getting ready for school. No one is awake but me. I hear a little boy or girl say quietly "becka..." I thought it was one of my brothers so I turned around but no ones there. I checked all of my siblings but all of them were fast asleep. I went back to the mirror and I hear again "becka..." then a sneeze so I looked at them again and they are still fast asleep. I even woke my sister up and she said that none of my brothers woke up. I was also in the garden trying to get my silly cats in and the swing starts swinging very fast. Its not windy at all. I then see my cat on the fence staring at the swing, now this cat is so loving and has never hurt anyone, I picked her up and she bites me. I was shocked. So I left her out there and only when the swing stopped did she come in.

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