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Two weeks later


"Jameer moveee. You need to take your ass home" I said as Jameer laid on top of me. He was putting all his weight on me with his fat ass.

"I am home" He said. I rolled my eyes, Jameer has been in Jamaica driving me crazy. Meme loves him here, but I'm ready for him to go. Me and him haven't had sex since two weeks ago when he first came and I don't plan on it happening anymore. Of course he's tried to go there with me but I quickly shut that shit down. I've just been working and coming home to him and his loud ass daughter. I must admit I do enjoy seeing the two of them together, just enjoying each other. I do wish that things would have ended the way they did, I wish me and Jameer were married and a family. However things aren't like that. Jameer is married to Alexis and has his own family and I'm trying hard to respect that.

"No your home is with Alexis and your kids" I said. He sat up and grabbed his phone.

"Man Alexis texted me the other day and said she's filing separation papers. So that's not my home." He said. I was shocked to hear him say that. I can't lie and say I wasn't a little happy, but that's still won't change anything.

"Well that's even more reason for you to be home. You need to be trying to work through your marriage. Just because y'all separated doesn't mean anything to me." I said while getting up and going downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw meme on her laptop and on her phone face timing someone. I walked behind her and saw it was Chase, I should have known. She's been on FaceTime with him like everyday.

"Hey Chase baby" I said while waving in the camera. He smiled.

"Hey ma" Meme looked at him and scrunched up her face.

"Boy that is not your mama. I told you bout that" She said. I hit her head.

"Stop doing my baby like that." I said. I like Chase, after getting to know him he's such a sweetheart. It's clear that the two have feelings for each other. I approve, I think they are the cutest. Jameer doesn't know about Chase though, but I don't think it will be a problem.

"Maaaa" She said said while rolling her eyes and continued to talk Chase. I went into the freezer and took out something for dinner. Then I began to make some grilled sandwiches for lunch. As I was making sandwiches I kind of peeped in on meme and Chase conversation to make sure they wasn't say shit they didn't need to be. Cause my baby is not about to be like me, a teen mom.

"When the next time ima see you?" I heard Chase ask"

Meme POV

"When the next time ima see you?" Chase asked me. It's been like a week since I last saw chase. His parents haven't really been arguing this week so he hasn't been coming over much but, we talk on the phone every single day. That's my baby, and every day it just seems like our connection grows stronger.

I smiled at him before looking at him.

"Soon" I said. He rolled his eyes while smirking.

"Let me take you out this weekend" He said.

"I'd have to ask my mom first" I said.

"Well ask her big head" He said while playing his Xbox. He was sitting up with his shirt off.

I looked over at my mom and saw she was making sandwiches acting like she wasn't listening to my conversation but I know she was.

"Ma can Chase take me out" I asked. She looked back at me and smiled.

"Yes baby, if y'all go to the mall bring me back some curry and a beef patty from Moe's." She said while turning back around. I smiled and looked at Chase as he looked at me.

"Well I'll be there in a hour, let me finish whopping golden State ass real quick" He said. My mom turned around.

"Aye boy" She said.

"Sorry ma" He said while laughing. I told him bye and hung up. I ran upstairs to see what I had to put on.

Jameer POV

While I was in Syn room Alexis called me asking if I could get the kids this weekend but I told her I was in Jamaica for business. Then she started going in on me talking about in messing with some bitch in Jamaica so I had to listen to her rant. I told her if be back on Tuesday and I'd get the kids then. I walked downstairs to see what my girls we're doing to only see Syn. She was standing in front of the counter putting what looked to be grilled cheese on a plate. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Where's my lunch?" I asked. She moved out my arms before looking at me and rolling her eyes. Then she handed me a plate. I sat down and began eating, then a few moments later she sat a seat down from me.

"Why so far?" I asked. I started eating some of the fresh fruit she'd cut up before taking a sip of my water. She looked at me before grabbing her phone.

"So I booked you flight for tomorrow at 6: 00 so make sure you have all your stuff packed." She said. I screwed my face up before setting my cup down on the island.

"Where are we going my dear?" I asked. This girl is going to be the cause of my death.

"You are going home. Jameer you can't be staying at my place. Plus you need to go home and work out your problems with your wife." I shook my head and continued to eat my food, not paying her goofy ass any more attention.

"Jameer, you know this is wrong. I don't want to keep doing this, as much as I don't like that bum ass bitch I don't want you to put her through the same thing you put me through... I've already did enough damage. Just go back home. Me and you can just be co parents to Jamelah and that's it." The more she spoke the more she just pissed me off. She's right I shouldn't be doing this shit to Alexis but it's too late for all that. Besides I can't decide who my heart chooses. Syn smoking dicks if she think I'm just about to give up on us. She didn't give up on us, because if she did we would have never fucked.

"Synclaire just shut the fuck up man." I said while getting up and throwing the rest of my food away. She got up and followed after me and pushed me in the back. There she go.

"No fuck you Jameer. You come down here and do this shit to me. You put me in this situation." There her ass go acting crazy. I love that shit, I continued walking up the stairs like I didn't hear her. Pissing her off even more.

"Your the one who cheated on me while I was home with your child and carrying your other. Did you give a fuck?  No. Fuck you.... Ughhh, I can't stand you." She said. I walked into her room and started packing up my stuff.  Then next thing I know she's dumping everything I put in my bags out.

"No where the fuck are you going huh?  I'm talking to you. Your going to leave, leave then. Go, go. I hate you, I can't stand your stupid ass." She said while throwing my things around. After I had seen enough I walked up to her and she started hitting me.

"No get off me.... Move Jameer.. I hate you.... Move" She said trying to fight me off. I just kissed her, knowing she would become weak. Then once she began to kiss me back I took things further. Knowing that's exactly what she needed.

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