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"How was school baby" I asked as meme sat at the kitchen table doing her homework.

"It was the norm mom, a bunch of homework. As you can see. How was your day?" She asked. My baby is at the top of all her classes, she gets that from her momma.

"Work was good, you should of saw this one baby she was born with the some pretty chocolate skin and the most brightest blue eyes. Your auntie Tori is coming over for dinner so hurry and finish your homework." I said. She nodded.

"Auntie Tori is so crazy, but momma I've been meaning to ask you about something." She said. She's seemed kind of down the whole day and I probably already know why.

"Momma, can I please go visit my dad" She asked. I knew it, evey since meme hit the age of 5 she gets into these sudden mood changes. She gets sad over her dad, and it makes me feel so bad that I lied to my baby.

I told meme that her dad was in prison for murder. I know, that's really bad. I know one day she's going to have to know the real truth, I just didn't want to tell her that I up and left and took her from her dad.

"Baby I told you about this already" I said. I was in the kitchen chopping potatoes for my roast I was making.

"I know momma but, I just want to see him. I want to know that he loves me. I know you tell me he does all the time, but I don't feel it." She said. A tear ran down my face. I never knew the decision I made would effect my child so much.

"Look meme he does okay, I don't want to talk about this anymore." I said. I heard her walk out the kitchen and up the stairs. I sighed putting down the knife and running my had across my face. I don't want my daughter to hate me.

"Hey hey hey" Said Tori as she walked in my kitchen.

"Tori I gave you a key for emergencies only" I said.

"Okayyy but I didn't feel like knocking. What's up with you?" She asked as she sat her purse on the island an sat at it.

"Nothing it's just Meme again" I said.

"Gurlll, when you gonna tell her the truth. That poor child is hurting and she's gonna be even more hurt when she knows the truth." She said.

"I know, that why Im scared to tell her. I don't want her to hate me." I said.

"Well that's just something your gonna have to go through but, it's time to tell her." She said. I nodded and went back to cooking. I'll tell her.

Jameer POV

"Why the fuck do you have two F's Mia?" I yelled at jamia. This girl is a fucking handful, she's definitely spoiled since she's the only girl. Well the only girl in the house.

"Daddy I just don't get it." She said while licking at her manicured fingers.

"Mia you have a F in fucking P.E. what don't you get about that?" I asked calmly.

"I just don't like getting sweaty, and exercising." She said.

"You sure your mother's child, just get out my face. No more shopping until those F's are off this report card. I'm not raising no dummies" I said before walking upstairs to me and lexis room. She was just getting out the shower.

"Hey baby, your home early" She said while kissing me. I kissed her back while rubbing her ass.

"Hey beautiful, why the hell does your daughter have a F in P. E.?" I asked while laying on the bed and putting my arms over my eyes. It's been a long day at work, I'm glad to come home and unwind.

"Baby P.E. is not easy. I use to hate that, I'd try and skip the class if I could." She said while laughing, I felt her sit on my lap. I knew she was still naked because I could feel her pussy right against me. I sat up and began kissing on her neck.

"Mmm baby" She said while running her hands over my hair. I flipped us over and began sucking on her nipples. Then I began to kiss down to her sweet honey pot. I began sucking on her clot, causing her to go crazy.

"Fuckkkk, baby right the... " She was cut off by a little knock on the door. I knew it was my son.

"Daddy" Jr. Said. I got up covering lex with the cover. I went to the door and saw my son standing there.

"Wassup Jr.?" I asked while picking him up and taking him downstairs.

"Can I have some icecweam" He asked. This lil nigga love sweets, gets that from his mom because I like hot shit.

"You already know mommy what you to eat dinner before ice cream" I said. Alexis doesn't let them snack unless they're eating with it or after it.

"But pops I rweally want some cookies and cweam" He said.

"And you no you can't have any Jameer Iman Jr. Don't be down here convincing your dad." Lex said while coming downstairs with Jamel in her arms. She had on a robe.

"Mommy pleaseee" He said. He ran up to her leg and hugged her. She looked at him for a second before second.

"Just a little bit Jr. And I mean a little bit bae, don't fix him a whole bowl." She said while putting Mel in his high chair. He looked like he had just woke up. I fixed Jr. His ice cream and he ran to the dining room. I walked up behind Alexis and hugged her as she fed my youngest.

"Why did we decide to have all these kids again. It's like I never get any pussy now" She shoved her elbow in my stomach.

"Iman don't say that in front of him, and you do get some what are you talking about. We always have sex." She said while turning to look at me for a second. We have sex like twice a week. How work is right now I need some like twice a day.

"But bae, I need more." I said while kissing her neck.

"Mmm, I see I got you feening" She said

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