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**Charlottes POV**

Instead of waking up Addy, I closed the door and ran into the kitchen and started eating the pancakes I just made for her. Whatever, so I'm a stress eater, but thats a lot to take in at once!

"Uhm..babe? Is something wrong?" he asked. If I was eating real food this early in the morning, he knew something had to be the matter. I just pointed to Addy's room. See, I always expected Addison and Louis to get together, but I didnt expect them to hook up the same night that Zayn broke up with her! That didnt seem like something Addy would do. Harry followed the direction of my finger and went and opened Addy's door to find her in Louis' arms, just like I had. He closed the door slowly and backed away, and tripped onto the couch.

"How did we not hear those two last night?" he asked. I had to laugh at that.

"Come on, we dont know they hooked up.." I said trying to stand up for my friends, even though I admit that I jumped to the same conclusion he had.

"Come on, of course they did! They've been into each other forever, and now that Zayn dumped her.." He didnt finish his sentence. I know it was the easiest thing to believe, but I wasnt going to completly buy it until I heard it from one of them.

Addy walked out of her room, and she looked like a mess to put it nicely. Her hair was all messed up and she was wearing baggy old sweatpants she had since freshman year and a t-shirt, with mascara smeared under her eyes.

"Morning," she said. I guess she didnt know that Harry and I both knew that Louis was sleeping in her bed right now, so she was going to pretend everything was normal.

"Why is Louis in your bed?" Harry asked. Clearly he wasnt trying to be sympathetic now. Addy looked shocked that we knew, and I literally slapped my hand on my forehead.

"Way to go, Harry.." I said.

"Well come on, Char, like you dont want to know what happened!" he said.

"Nothing happened guys. He just came over to comfort me after my break up and we ended up falling asleep. No big deal." She said, but I could tell she wasnt so sure that's what happened herself.


**Addy's POV**

"Nothing happened guys. He just came over to comfort me after my break up and we ended up falling asleep. No big deal." I said walking towards Charlotte who was eating a plate of pancakes. I grabbed one off of it and sat down next to Harry and caught my reflection in a mirror we had on our wall. Looking cute, Addison.

"Please, Addison, you're a terrible liar." Harry said. It was time for him to shut up. I didn't hook up with Louis last night. I mean, sure, we made out.. a lot, but I didn't hook up. Plus, they don't need to know that.

"I'm the best liar in the world." I said trying to change the subject away from Louis. I wasn't a good liar, but I didn't have sex with anyone last night, and that's not a lie.

"You can't even say that without twitching. What happened last night?" Harry asked. I feel as though he is not aware of the action of shutting up. Especially since everytime something came out of his mouth, Charlotte gave him this glare.

"We didn't hook up, guys." Never said I had to say what we did do! Haha, loop holes for the win!

"What did you do?" Charlotte asked. Can she read my mind or..?

I shoved the rest of the pancake in my mouth so anything I said they wouldn't understand. "We made out." I said but it came out like some different language. Playing the mature card, Addison, like always.

"You made-out?" Really Charlotte? How could anyone understand that?

"I'm going back to bed." I said ducking my head and crawling back into bed with Louis.

"Back to bed with Louis." Harry added as I flipped him off. I'm glad we are all the best of friends.

"Oh, did I fall asleep here?" Louis said waking up the second I jumped in bed.

"Yeah, no worries." I said reassuring him.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked.

"No, I woke up like 10 minutes ago, went out, talked to Harry and Charlotte, they know what happened, and then came back." I made sure to jumble all my words together so he hopefully didn't understand me. He did.

"How?" He seemed worried, but what does he have to be worried about? He wasn't in a relationship less than 20 hours ago.

"They thought we hooked up, and I said no, and then they asked what we did, and I'm a terrible liar.." I put my head in his chest and sighed.

"It's okay, just maybe we shouldn't tell Zayn about this." He said laughing. Wait, this? Like, present tense?



"Who?" Alright, I may have been playing dumb, but I wasn't going to be his girlfriend the day after I broke up with the person I liked for 6 years.

"You and I?" He said laughing some more. I picked my head off of his chest and sat up.

"You and I are friends. Nothing more, Louis. I just broke up with Zayn." He looked disappointed.

"I thought you liked me, Addison." He walked out of my room and slammed the door of my apartment. Who else is going to hate me next?

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