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**Addy's POV**

I woke up to talking in the living room. I figured I might as well go out since someone else was obviously awake. I crawled over Zayn and walked into the living room. "What's up, guys?" I said smiling. Louis just stared at the ground and walked out, not even acknowledging my existance. "What's up with him?" He's so rude. It's not like I did anything to him, the least he could do is smile. Jeez. Charlotte reassured me, and I just kind of shrugged it off. I decided I would talk to him since I don't like seeing him like this, even though I can't stand him at times. If something's going on, he deserves as much as help as he can get, you know?

I walked into the boy's kitchen, where Louis was sitting at the table, his head down in his arms. He looked sad, it made me sad. Poor guy.. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back. "Is there something wrong?" Why did I ask that? Of course there's something wrong. Ugh, I should just stop talking. Every word I say is pathetic.

"I'd really rather not talk about it with you." He said, making me feel really terrible about myself. Is this what these stupid fights led us to? He doesn't feel like he can trust or talk to me? That's so terrible..

"Look, I know we haven't had the best friendship, but we've been best friends, we've been neighbors, since birth, Louis. I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me anything because I fight with you sometimes. Things could change, Louis. We're growing up, I think these fights should stop. They're immature and it's making everyone annoyed with us and it's making us annoyed. Look at what they're doing to our friendship, Lou." I just poured my heart out and it looked like he wasn't even listening. Then, I saw his head lift up.

"Addison. It's not that I feel like I can't tell you what's going on, because I want to, I just don't want to at the same time. I want these fights to change, I do, but they remind me of old times and that's how I want things to go back to." He said the last line and I saw the regret in his eyes.

"What does that even mean?" I asked and he just shook his head.

"Why don't we just go and hang out, just the two of us? We could restart this.." I mean, he didn't answer my question, but he said something I liked. I smiled.

"I would love that Lewis." I said winking. I walked out of the kitchen and he followed me into the living room and he looked so much happier. I felt like a miracle worker, but that also means that what he was sad about had to do with me, and I'm quite scared. Zayn walked out and sat next to me, and put his arm around me.

"Do you want to do something today babe?" He asked kissing my cheek.

I looked at Louis, who went back to his sad self. What the hell? "Uh, you know I would love to, but Louis and I have plans today." I said patting Louis' back. A smile appeared on his face. This kid is hard to understand..

"Doing what?" Zayn said somewhat annoyed and confused.

"I don't know yet, just doing something together." I smiled at Louis who smiled back.

"Since when are you guys friends?" Zayn asked. That was kind of rude.

"Birth..?" Louis said making me laugh. I patted Zayn's stomach and he just shrugged it off. It annoyed me how mad he was getting that I didn't want to hang out with him, and Louis instead, but I want to make my friend happy.

**Charlottes POV**

Harry and I could tell that something was happening between Zayn and Addy..or maybe Louis and Addy. But either way, we decided it would probably be better just to leave. I threw on jeans and an oversized sweater, brushed my hair back into a pony tail, grabbed a banana for breakfast and followed Harry out the door.

"What do you think all that was about?" he asked me as we started to walk throught the park that was across the street from our flats.

"I have no clue.." I said playing dumb. I really wanted to tell Harry what was happening, but I promised Louis I wouldnt, so I knew I had to keep my mouth shut. Harry didnt look too convinced, but he didnt question me. Suddenly two girls came over to Harry and asked if they could get a picture with him ignoring that I was there. They clearly didnt know who I was, but we hadnt exactly made our relationship public yet so I couldnt really blame them. Harry looked at me almost apologeticly, but I shrugged it off. I knew he had fans, and I knew he had to be nice to them, even if they were girls who may or may not be prettier than me.. The girls asked me to take their picture and I did, then they ran away excited to tell their friends that they had met Harry Styles of One Direction. Well the jokes on them, cause I'm already his girlfriend! It felt so werid to be dating someone who was internationally famous, even though I dated him long before he even realized he could sing.

"Sorry about that.." He said once they left grabbing my hand.

"I dont mind, I think it's awesome that your fans love you guys so much, its sweet."

"Yeah, they're all pretty great, we're all so thankful for them." I didnt really like talking about that part of his life, because I liked to pretend that we were all still just kids living down the road from each other. And he knew that so he changed the topic pretty quickly. "Do you know what would be fun to do?"


"If we went on a double date with Addy and Zayn!" he said, proud of his idea. I smiled.

"That would be so fun! Lets do it tonight!" I responded, and rushed home to ask them.

**Later That Night**

We went to this cute little Italian resturant for our double date. We were all having a great time, just hanging out and joking together, but I knew soon enough someone would ask me about Louis. I was starting to get worried I'd tell his secret, since I usually have someone who I can tell so I can just let it out. But this time I couldnt tell anyone and it was killing me.

"So, Char, what was Louis going on about this morining?" Zayn asked. What did I say? I totally called it.

"Oh nothing really, just some stuff he's dealing with. I dont think he'd want me to tell anyone though.." I said, trying to avoid telling anything.

"You know we won't tell, come on Charlotte!" Addy pleaded. Thanks, Ad. I can always count on you!

"Guys, I really cant say, I promised him." Zayn was starting to look annoyed. What was even wrong with him lately? If Addy is telling me the truth, then she doesnt have any feelings for Louis, and only loves Zayn. He really has no reason to get so mad about this. But what do I know, maybe he does. Louis and Addy couldve been doing anything when they were "hanging out" today. For all I knew, Louis told her how he feels about her. Maybe he doesnt even know how he feels about her. Hey, maybe Zayn really does have a reason to get worried..

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