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**Addy's POV**

I walked out of my apartment and into the boy's. Charlotte told me that Zayn had to talk to me, and I knew what it was about. I felt really bad that I haven't been hanging out with all of the boys, especially Zayn lately, but it's just that I've been having such a great time with Louis alone. I walked into the living room where Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn were. I gave a short awkward wave and they all smiled with the exception of Zayn. He started to walk over to me and took my hand and led me into his room. Oh God, I knew exactly what was about to be said.

"I don't know where to start." He said, making me start to sweat and shake. I probably looked like I had some sickness, because I'm pretty sure my face was going pale. I wanted to throw up. Yeah, I probably was sick... "Where have you been for the last week? You don't even sleep here anymore. What's happening when you and Louis hang out?"

"Woah there killer, do you think I'm cheating on you with Louis?" He shrugged. "Zayn, you have know me my entire life, I would NEVER cheat on anyone, especially you. Now, I'm sorry I haven't been hanging out with you or the boys recently, I have been hanging out with Louis. But that's only because we've just stopped bickering and the time I spend with him, I enjoy. The reason why I don't sleep here," I groaned. I didn't want to say what I was about to, but I needed to. I needed to tell him what Louis said to me. "Well, it's because Louis said he likes the side of me without you. And when I hang out with him, alone, he seems so happy, and when I don't, he doesn't get sleep, he just sits there like a zombie." I may have just caused World War 3 if Zayn got mad at Louis..

"Have you not thought about me, Addison? What do you think I've been doing all day? Hanging out with Charlotte, going for picnic's and carnivals because I like her without Harry?" I never thought about Zayn this whole week, what he was doing. God, I'm such an awful girlfriend..

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Zayn. I've been such an awful girlfriend this week.. I'm so sorry.." I started to cry, but I held back the tears. I didn't want him to just feel bad for me because I cried, what I've been doing is wrong.

"Do you want to date me, Addy?" He stood there staring into my eyes.

"Of course I do.." What other answer was there that would be appropriate?

"Okay, then tell Louis that. Tell Louis I'm the one you're dating, not him." That's so terrible, why would I hurt Louis like that?

"I don't want to hurt him.. That would just make him feel terrible.." I mumbled.

"You don't want to hurt him, but you hurt me instead? You made me feel terrible." When he said that, a tear fell out of his eye, and it tore me apart.

"I don't want to make anyone feel bad.." I breathed, trying to contain my tears.

"Addison, we should break up.."

**Charlottes POV**

I didnt really know what happened between Zayn and Addy, but I know it couldnt have been good. She ran into our flat crying, not even acknowledging Louis or I before she ran into her room, slamming the door behind her. I looked over at Louis and he looked miserable.

"This is my fault. He just dumped her, and its my fault," he said with his face in his hands. I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him to comfort him.

"Its not your fault, Lou. You were just hanging out with her, and she made the decision to spend time with you instead of Zayn. She had to know Zayn was getting upset over it, but she ignored it. Its as much her fault as it is yours." I said trying to calm him down.

"You're right, I just cant help but feel guilty.." I sat on the couch, and he sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder, I had never seen him so vaulnerable. Harry walked in and started to look confused, until he heard the crying from Addys room and started to put two and two together.

"Are you okay, Louis?" he asked. Louis nodded and straightened himself up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." He said. He walked into the kitchen, probably to pull himself together before anyone else came over.

"Well I was going to ask if you wanted to go see a movie, but I understand if you need to stay here.." Harry said.

"No, no thats a great idea. Im sure they both want some time alone anyways." I went to grab my phone and some money from my room, then I went to find Louis in the kitchen.

"Hey, Harry and I are going to go out. You're welcome to stay here if you want to." I told him, thinking me might not want to go see Zayn anytime soon.

"Yeah, maybe thats a good idea. Addy might want someone to talk to soon anyways.." he said.

I nodded my head, but now I wasnt so sure that was a good idea. Would Louis really be the one that Addison wanted to talk to right now? I walked outside with Harry and made our way to the cinema that was a few blocks away from our flat.

"Do you know what was happening with them back there?" Harry asked as soon as we were far enough away from everything, holding my hand.

"Yeah, Zayns been getting mad that Addy's been spending all her time with Louis lately, and Im pretty sure he just broke up with her.." I said sadly. I felt bad for her, but I mean come on, we all knew this was coming. We've been saying right from the begining that Addy and Louis would get together. I just wish it hadnt had to hurt so many people. But then, we dont even know if they were together yet. Harry looked down at me and half smiled.

"I don't ever want to go through something like that with you. I want you to be mine forever." I smiled at him, I was the luckiest girl in the world.

"I think that can be arranged" I teased him. I may not know what was going to happen with Addy and Zayn, and I didnt know how Louis was going to deal with this. But I did know one thing, I was in love with Harry.

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