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**Addy's POV**

"Thank you so much guys!" I said as we all finished unpacking. It finally looked like we were living there and not just an empty apartment. I flopped down on our leather couch, Louis doing the same. We exchanged glares at each other.

"Stop copying me Addison." He said like a child.

"Never grew up, huh Lewis?" I said before looking at the room of my old friends with the same annoyed expressions on their faces as they had 2 years ago.

"You guys are never going to stop with this game.." Liam said under his breath. Too bad I heard that Liam.

"It's so annoying!" Charlotte agreed. Hey guys, remember that time that Louis started it? That was all the time.

"Just kiss and make up already." Harry said making everyone laugh but me and Louis.

"You guys need to stop now." I said gagging. I looked at Louis who starting to fake kissing me. I jumped out of my seat and flung myself into Zayn's arms. "Save me!" I said burying my head into Zayn's chest. Everyone was laughing, but me of course.

"Let's watch a movie!" Charlotte said picking out one of our favorite movies to watch in middle school, Toy Story. Then we realized we only had five seats, so two people would have to sit on the cold ground. We all launched at the couch and two chairs, but of course I wasn't fast enough. Actually, I did make it onto the chair, but Louis threw me off. Way to be gentle, Lou. I looked at the couch, Niall, Charlotte, and Harry. The two chairs were taken by Liam and Louis. I looked next to me, Zayn. I didn't really have a problem with Zayn like most people would have a problem with their ex's. I had liked him from 9th grade until the day we broke up. We dated our whole senior year, which was great. He wasn't a bad boyfriend, and he didn't ever do anything to get me mad. We got in one fight our whole relationship because of Louis, of course. So I didn't have a problem with Zayn at all.

"Looks like it's just you and me." Zayn said laughing. I smiled, but inside I was shivering. This hardwood floor was not warm, at all. I inched closer to him, only because I remember how warm he was when we dated. Does that sound weird?

"Addy, stop trying to cuddle with Zayn!" Louis shouted. Hey Louis, shut up!

"I'm not trying to cuddle. I'm trying to get body heat. This floor is cold. But maybe I wouldn't have to do this if someone didn't throw me off of the chair." I shot back. I really hated how he didn't change at all.

"So you weren't trying to cuddle with me?" Zayn said making a fake frowning face. I laughed and inched away from him jokingly.

"Please, watch the movie!" Niall said sternly. Okay Niall, calm down.

Zayn reached out his arm and I went back next to him. He pulled me into his shoulder and started to rub my arm making me warm again. I got closer to him and wrapped my arm around his tone chest. I started to remember just how much I missed him when he was gone.

**Charlottes POV**

I looked around the room full of my best friends. It just made me realize how badly I've missed them. When your friend tells you they're going on the X-Factor, you're suppose to be happy for them right? You're suppose to hope they get through and win? Well, that wasn't what happened to me. And as terrible as that sounds, all I wanted was them to just come home so I could see them again.


"So, that's why we all decided to try out for the X-Factor." Harry said. He was my boyfriend, what was I suppose to do other than cheer for him and say 'I know you'll win!' I couldn't actually tell him that he was tearing me up inside. I knew they would all get in, especially Liam since he got in a few years back. And I knew that one of them would win. They all had the X-Factor, and they would all forget who Addy and I were and just never talk to us again because they had better friends. Famous friends.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! You are going to win!" Addy cheered jumping around the room. She was even happy for Louis. That's something you don't see everyday.

"I can't believe it! You're definitely going to go all the way through and win!" I said with the fakest smile I've ever put on my face.

The day once they got put together as a group was the last day I saw them for 2 years. 2 years full of plenty of fake smiles.


I looked at Addy who was sleeping in Zayn's arms, they were always really cute together. Liam was watching it like he was watching his favorite band play in front of him. Niall hated Toy Story, so he fell asleep. Louis was on Twitter tweeting pictures of Niall and Addy. I felt bad for Addy, because I looked at the caption of the picture. Let's just say, Addy wasn't going to like it.

@Addy_Carter @ZaynMalik1D getting pretty close again? Zaddison starting up again?

She was not going to be happy when she woke up.The movie was over, and almost everyone was asleep but me and Liam.

"What are we going to do about them?" I whispered-shouted. He shrugged.

"Leave them here?" I laughed at his suggestion.

"They're not going to be comfortable. The least we could do is ask them if they want to move." I said, remembering all the times that the boys fell asleep at my house or Addy's and they would wake up complaining about how we never asked them if they want to move.

"Alright, you get Zayn and Addy. They're hard to wake up. I'll get Niall, Harry and Louis." Liam said. I went over to Zayn and Addy.

"Hey guys.. do you want to move somewhere? You're falling asleep on the cold floor." I said shaking them. They woke up? They never wake up with your first try.. Weird.

"Yeah, the beds are set up right?" Addy said yawning as Zayn released his grip on her. I nodded. "Okay, well, since we're all friends.. Zayn if you want to sleep over.." This was awkward for me. I knew they both still had feelings for each other, but I wasn't going to say no. He shrugged and followed Addy to her room. I looked at Liam and shook his head.

"Harry, Niall, Louis. Do you guys want to stay here or go back?" Liam asked them. I figured I should stay in the room incase they wanted to stay. They nodded falling back to sleep. I shrugged and went to my room. I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey, Niall sleep talks and it's starting to freak me out. Mind if I sleep here?" Harry said. Oh God...

"Haha, no problem." What's the difference between when he slept in my bed when we were dating and now? Okay.. I see it.

"Weird how we're neighbors, huh?" He said climbing into my bed. I looked at the sofa that I had in my room. But I mean, of course Harry, just assume you're sleeping in here with me. Cool.

"Yeah, especially since we were neighbors as kids." I said turning over, signalling I wanted to go to sleep.

"Remember when we dated?" He said laughing. Laughing? Really?

"..Yes Harold. I remember when we dated." I said shoving my head into my pillow. STOP TALKING..

"That was fun.." I wanted to hit him in the jaw. "Like, we were a really good couple." Seriously, if you want me to hit you in the jaw just continue talking. "We should do that again."

"Harold Edward Styles. It is 1 AM. Let's just go to sleep. Unless you want to have a conversation with sleep talking Niall." I snapped. Sorry, but he needed to stop.



"Goodnight.." He started to laugh, and then I did too. These boys haven't changed a bit.

I Want To Be Loved By You. (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now