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**Addy's POV**

I went and sat with the boys in the living room after Charlotte started to clean up. It was kind of rude that most of them walked away without helping, but Lou and I had a free pass. We cooked. I sat down on the couch inbetween Louis and Zayn. Niall and Liam kept shooting me winks suggesting me and Zayn get together. I would just start to nod and smile and then flick them off. Louis laughed everytime I did this, and so did I. We were watching an episode of Friends that I've already seen about 100 times, so I decided to just check my Twitter. I saw a picture of me sleeping on Zayn in the living room. There was 20,000 + retweets. Yay. I looked at Louis and glared at him. "Thanks, Lewis." I said rolling my eyes and showing Zayn. He just smiled.

"No problem, Addison. Did you know Zaddison is trending?" He replied, proud of his accomplishment. I went a bright shade of red for the second time today. The first time is when Niall and Liam decided embarassing me would be a great idea.

"Zaddison? That's not our couple name." I said realizing what I just started.

"Couple names are only for couples. Are you guys a couple?" Niall said shooting out of his seat.

"Tell me more!" Liam said doing the same as Niall.

"No, but we were in high school. Zaddy was cuter than Zaddison. Down boy, we're not a couple." I said getting up and going into the kitchen.

"So, I'm officially annoyed." I said joining Harry and Charlotte at the table. I realize I was ruining a moment, but whatever.

"What's going on Addy?" Harry asked taking his attention off of Char to me.

"They're all just being obnoxious about me and Zayn." I said putting my head in my hands.

"Well, what are they saying?" Char asked. I looked up and saw her hand and Harry's both under the table. They were probably holding hands.. HOW CUTE!!!

"They took something I said wrong and they keep asking if me and Zayn are a couple." I said looking down at the table.

"Do you want to be a couple?" Harry asked. Do I want to be a couple? Yes, of course I do. I never got over Zayn, because he never did anything to hurt me, he never gave me a reason not to like him.

"..I would like that.." I mumbled. I saw Harry and Charlotte smile.

"I called it!" Charlotte said, laughing.

"He never asked me out!" I said, trying not to get my hopes up.


**Charlotte's POV**

Obviously Addy and Zayn were going to get back together. They were always the cutest couple. Well, aside from Harry and I but thats beside the point. After Addy left me and Harry alone (finally) Zayn asked her if she wanted to go for a walk, so they left, and of course everyone started talking about them. Harry got up and dragged me into the living room to hang out with the boys, which kind of annoyed me because I wanted to be alone with him, but I was happy just to be around him again. When he sat down on a chair, he pulled me onto his lap which was so cute. We got weird looks from the boys but I really didnt care. They were more focused on Addy and Zayns current relationship status than mine at the moment anyways.

"Finally theyre going to get back together, I swear, Zayn never shut up about her when we were on tour.." Niall said. Louis rolled his eyes. He seemed to get annoyed whenever someone mentioned them as a couple. Probably since he's secretly been in love with Addison since we were in elementary school, not that he ever told anyone. But besides Harry, he was one of the boys I was closest to in the group, and I could always tell what he was thinking. But now it seemed that anyone from the outside looking in would think he was Zaddison's biggest shipper. Haha, little did the fans know..

"Honestly, it was getting sickening" Louis said.

"Well at least they can be happy together again," Harry said, squezing his arm around my shoulder. He obviously did that to show me he wants to get back together, but he hasnt officially asked me yet, and I dont really know what he was waiting for.

"Hey, yeah what about you two? You seem pretty cozy over there." Liam asked us. My face turned as red as my hair and I buried it in Harrys shoulder. He laughed but gave them a look telling them to shut up and they all laughed.

"HAH. They're totally hooking up! Say, what happened last night you two?" Louis asked. I seriously was about to walk across the room and hit him, but Harrys grip was too tight on me. They all started laughing, including Harry, which made me mad. Since I cant stand it when people laugh at me, for any reason I decided it would be the mature thing to do to get and and stamp into my room. I sat on my bed and pulled up twitter being entertained by all the #Zaddison tweets that were going around. All of a sudden Harry walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"You know Louis was just joking," Harry said.

"I know, but you also know I get embarassed way to easily" I said while laughing nervously.

"There's nothing to be embarrased about, Char," he said moving closer to me, "You dont even know how much I've missed you.." Then he kissed me.

I Want To Be Loved By You. (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now