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** Addy's POV**

"Hey Addy, do you know whats in this box?" my best friend Charlotte asked, unloading another box. We just moved into a new flat together and had so much to unpack.

"No, whats its say?" I asked.

"It doesnt." She opened the box and pulled something out. "Hey look! Its a picture of us and the boys when we were little!"

"Oh my gosh, I remember this! This was when we went to that amusement park, before we met Niall!"

"Oh yeah! Remember how Louis beat you in that game and rubbed it in your face all day? He made you feel so bad that you started to cry." Charlotte said laughing. I remember that perfectly. Louis Tomlinson lived right next door to me, infact all of the boys lived in our neighborhood. We lived in one of those neighborhoods with multiple streets, but you needed a pass to get into. It was just the six of us, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Charlotte and I until in secondary school, Niall moved next door to Liam. Liam started bringing him to all of our events, and then he joined our group of friends. We were that group that everyone wanted to join. But we never really talked to anyone outside of it because we didn't need to. We all had at least one of us in each other's classes, and once we got home, we would just hang out with each other more. But some of the times it wasn't very enjoyable for me. You see, Louis bullied me from the first day I met him until the day he went onto the X-Factor. He always went out of his way to tease me, so once I grew older I started to talk back to him. It annoyed the group sometimes, but it annoyed me the most.

Before the X-Factor, Charlotte and Harry were dating. He promised her he would sing her a song for his audition, and he did. Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. The same time, Zayn and I dated for a year. We broke up, along with Harry and Char, because of the show. The first few weeks we would talk to the boys, but as time went along, it felt like they didn't have time for us, so we all drifted apart.

"Yeah, I remember." I said rolling my eyes. "I can't believe they're so famous now!" It's weird to see the people you grow up with, the people you told everything to, grow to become something as big as One Direction.

"Yeah, I'm so happy for them! Imagine being told you're in a band with your best friends and then growing to be so famous! Maybe now since we're living in London we'll run into them!" Charlotte said, but I doubted that. Even if we did run into them, they wouldn't recognize us. They've probably forgotten all about us. I smiled in response. "Was that the door?" She asked, and I shrugged. We went up to the door and opened it to see five familiar boys.

There was a pause between all of us, and we took that time to analyze the situation. There they were, the five boys who I grew up with. The five boys of a world famous band. One Direction. They were staring back at us in the same amount of surprise. "I'm sorry to ask this, because maybe you're not them, but are you Addison Carter and Charlotte Greene?" Liam asked breaking the silence.

Without hesitating or answering his question I jumped into his arms and hugged my old best friend. "It's been too long without hearing your voice!" Charlotte went and hugged each boy, as I did the same, stopping at the last one, Louis.

"Hey Addison!" He said, knowing I hate when people call me my full name. I gave him the same glare I gave him for 16 years of my life.

"Hey Lewis!" I said punching his arm which appeared playful, but I made it hurt.

"What are you guys doing here?" Char said easing the tension that was building between Louis and I.

"Well, we live here! Right next door, actually!" Harry said. "You guys look so different!" I looked down at myself and then at Charlotte. I had long brown hair that had natural waves and went slightly lighter at the tips, but naturally. I had green eyes that would sometimes have a tint of blue in them. I had freckles going all across my nose, but not in a bad way. My lips were naturally very pink and my smile was my favorite thing about me. Over all, I was never disappointed in my apperance. Charlotte had long red curly hair with blue-ish gray-ish eyes. She was shorter than me, but I wasn't too tall.

"We look the exact same, Hazza. But you guys look different! I can't believe how far you've all came!" Charlotte said, making Louis and Harry laugh. I knew exactly what they were thinking, they have sick minds, but then again I guess I did too since I thought of it too.

"Well, can we help with anything? It looks like you have a lot of boxes to unpack!" Niall asked.

"Sure, come on in!" I said.

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