14. Without Notice

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Avalon's POV

*A few minutes earlier*

I eye Keiho as he gripped the chair arm hard enough that it breaks under his hold, my brows furrow in concern as he grabs his chest and leaps out of the chair. My eyes catch Nathaniel, Gaia's older brother in confusion before he also furrowed his brow. He and I have been running around all day discussing pack and coven business relating to the blood moon in a few days. Keiho only came into my office no more than 5 minutes ago so when Iris suddenly phases into the room looking frantic, we're immediately on high alert. Her hair was messed up, her face was flushed, she had blood splashes on her shirt and her breathing was irregular, even for a vampire, especially one like her. I immediately knew something was wrong; the blood wasn't hers. A deeper inhale and I was on my feet in a flash as well. That's Gaia's blood. Keiho must have sensed her too because he was heading towards her before she even got here.

"Iris! What's wrong? This is blood! Are you bleeding? What happened?", he fired off questions at her while frantically checking her for wounds.

"I'm fine", she said before rushing past him to her brother, " Something is wrong with Gaia. She's not healing and she's so weak she can't even keep her head up."

" That's not possible.", Nathaniel responded.

"I'm telling you.", Iris pleaded.

"It must be the Blood Moon", he said.

He turned to me, "Where did Gaia put the last vial of serum?"

"In the dresser, second drawer, our room."

He phased before I could question him. Nothing was making sense, so I lost it and yelled, "What is going on?!! Where is my mate?", at the same time Keiho yelled, " What the hell happened?"

"I DON'T KNOW! I heard Thomas and your beta arguing so I went to check it out, but the blood wouldn't stop. It just kept flowing from her nose. Thomas didn't know what to do so he sent me to find Nathaniel.," Hanna said while pacing and rubbing her hand down her face.

"Where is she Iris?", Nathaniel asked when he teleported back holding a needle and syringe filled with a light red liquid. I've seen her use it before, it's the serum that controls her hunger.

"Charles's room", was all she said before she left. I grabbed Nathaniel's hand before he phased to Charles's room and paused to stave the effects of it but what I saw had me a shocked. Gaia had pinned Charles while Thomas was laying on the floor weakly trying to stop her. Her eyes were red instead of the blue I fell in love with, and she was acting almost.... rabid. Nathaniel immediately rushed towards her and snatched Charles from her hold. She snarled in anger when he threw her into the wall where Iris attempted to pin her there, but she just casually tossed Iris aside and moved to grab Charles again. Whatever trance I was in I finally snapped out of. Nathaniel and I grabbed both of her arms and tried to hold her down. Shock coursed through me at how freakishly stronger she was and at the fact that she was easily overpowering us.

"GAIA STOP", he shouted but she wasn't listening.

She started screaming and looked as if she were in pain. She grabbed my arm and twisted her body in a way that allowed her to roll over and slip out of my hold. She kicked Nathaniel's leg out from under him and slid past us as he fell. Iris used her magic to throw Gaia out of the way, but it only forced her back a few steps. She paused as she inhaled, and it was all we needed to grab her again and pin her to the wall. It physically hurt to see her in pain like this.

" Do something!", I shouted. "Can't you see she's in pain? ". She just kept screaming and trying to break free. Nathaniel pulled the cap off the needle and stabbed her in the chest. She slowly stopped thrashing as the plunger decompressed and released the liquid into her body. She slowly calmed down and looked around. It was silent until Charles broke it, "What the fuck was that?"

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