5. Too little answers and Twice as many questions

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The day before Gaia arrived


I looked at my little brother and the vampire he held in his arms in silence. I'm sure the deafening silence is also making him nervous, making her nervous, and making everyone else in the room nervous. It's completely absurd to think a few hours ago he left the packhouse and yet, a few hours later he returns with a vampire. Though the peace treaty has been existing for a few years, our two species still carried hostility toward each other. Years of war and death could not be undone overnight. The levels of animosity may have reduced, and some had learned to forgive and move on, but it was still a long shot before we could be called civil. It was against pack laws to show up unannounced, uninvited but it was another to enter without the alphas' permission, without my permission. Such mistakes were punishable by death and Keiho knew that yet he had broken the rules and brought her here; in the packhouse, and into my office.

I narrowed my eyes at Keiho who shrunk his neck in submission, "You're aware of what you did correct?"

"Avalon, I know this looks bad, but I wouldn't have done this if I didn't have a choice", he breathed out.

"You brought a vampire into my office- scratch that, into our territory without informing me. She could be a danger to all of us", I sighed.

I turned to look at the female vampire across from me. The sheer amount of power rolling off her is enough to take out enough of my top warriors. She's standing next to Keiho but from here I can see how beautiful she is. A huge afro flair out behind her ponytail with smooth dark skin, not an ounce of fear in those light blue eyes, and short stature of 5 foot 7. It's not like Keiho to do something so reckless. And judging from their body language I can tell their mates. I sigh as I rub between my eyebrows from the ache that's starting to form.

"So, what will you do now?", I ask.

I watched the vampire as she stepped forward, "My name is Iris Flanington. "

Momentary surprise filtered through me by the British accent before my brows furrowed in surprise as I interrupted her, "Flanington?"

Why does that name sound so familiar?

"I know this is a lot to take in, but I do not have a lot of time. I heard him for decades speaking to me in my dreams and I had to break a few of my coven laws to be here. I'm sure I'll be punished for this when he finds me, but I need to finally find Keiho. My sister is the leader of my coven and due to some circumstances, we remain hidden and concealed away from the world. She will come here, and she will be very upset when she finds me."

I watched as she sighed and spoke with absolute seriousness, "DO. NOT provoke her. I will try my best to convince her to leave. I can send her away for some time but do not agitate her."

I stood up from behind my desk and turned to her, "Are you telling me that your actions can lead my men to get hurt?"

She shook her head, "Gaia won't kill them unless you get in the way. Just let me talk to her."

I opened my mouth to speak but a voice filtered through the mind link.

Alpha there is a vampire here looking for another vampire. We're bringing her to the packhouse clearing.

"There is another vampire here, on my land, asking for what I can only assume is you", I narrowed my eyes at her.

When her complexion pales, I furrowed my brows.

"She's already here"

Present time

Keiho and Charles, who was the beta of Todium, stood in Avalon's office as he paced. The wolves were still recovering from what happened a few hours ago when Iris was taken right in their presence. It all happened so quickly that they still couldn't piece together the points leading up to it and what happened after. The one that Iris warned them about was powerful, more powerful than any vampire he had encountered, and possibly even more powerful than he was. Yet he sensed no bloodlust through her action, all he felt coming off her was anger and a bit of fear; fear for what? he did not know. What he did know is that what he saw in her eyes was definitely the string of a mate bond connected to him. She was his mate and yet he felt the denial in her gaze and the apprehensive fear. Avalon felt that the moon goddess was playing a game with him. The very species his kind held animosity towards happened to be who he shared a mate bond; him AND his baby brother. A chuckle of disbelief passed his lips as he rubbed a hand over his face in exhaustion. Just a few hours and yet all the things that happened made him exhausted.

"What do we know about them?", Avalon turned and asked.

Charles flipped open a small brown file and strode in front of him, "Nothing much besides what she told Keiho. The woman we encountered in the forest was Gaia Flanington. Sources say she's an original pureblood who has been leading the coven since the beginning. She's incredibly strong and even though she's not the eldest, her siblings and everyone in the coven answer to her. The Flanington's parents are also alive and yet Gaia holds the most power in the coven. They disappeared off the radar a few centuries ago, about a year after the pack was formed, and haven't been seen since. The problem is I'm not sure how credible these sources are."

"So, you're telling me we don't know why they were here, why they forcefully took Keiho's mate after she ran from them, why they were in such a hurry to leave, and better yet how they are able to use the magic of the witches. We know next to nothing about them and have no way of finding out either and yet I can't do anything.", Avalon felt agitated for some strange reason and yet in his mind, he knew it was because of the mate bond.

It's even more fucking strange that she disappeared, and we have no way of finding them unless they find us.

Keiho spoke up from the corner he was standing in, "One thing is certain and that's the fact that she'll be back. Before we lost consciousness, she said shell see us soon."

"It physically hurts right now to be away from Iris this soon when our bond was only discovered yesterday. They're her family, they won't hurt her right?", Avalon and Charles looked at Keiho as he absentmindedly rubbed at his chest.

"The sister, Gaia, I saw the bond in her eyes before she left", Avalon sighed.

"You're fucking joking! A vampire?!", Avalon looked up at them as if he expected their reaction.

"The elders are going to find an issue with this. Both heirs of this pack being mated to a vampire are not something they'll accept. And now that something like this happened, it gives them all the more reason to force your marriage with Eliza."

"Do not mention that delusional she-wolf brother. I'm tired of this whole situation as it is. Just rest for now and we'll deal with this when the time comes", Avalon said.

When Charles and Keiho left his office and closed the door, Avalon sat in his chair and covered his eyes with his arm to take a few minutes rest before resuming pack duties.

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