6. Give In

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tap.... tap.... tap.... tap

Currently losing patience with waiting for Iris to get her ass down here so we can leave as quickly as possible since I have a pile of documents on my desk to run through before the day. I'm reluctant to even take her back to the wolf's house for several reasons but I know the most prevalent one is because the alpha I'm still confused about will be there. This is not like the prior meeting we had, this one is scheduled, and permission was granted by said alpha. The approval document stated he would be there for the duration of our stay on their territory. I let out a sigh of displeasure and rubbed my temples for the hundredth time. A hand landed on my shoulder and pull my head into their chest in a hug. I almost forgot Thomas was standing next to me. I let my head rest on his chest and let my body relax under the calm he forced over my body through the bond. Thomas and I shared a bond closer than any of my siblings, a bond that was held higher than any bond formed, even a soul bond. Most bonds like the one Thomas and I share are only created after going through life and death situations, sometimes even death.

mweya wakasungwa

The ancient language describes creatures that share a soul tie. Most of those in the mortal world confuse or link it to a soul mate bond or kindred souls they called it. But a soul mate and a soul tie, though both come from the soul are miles apart. This bond is closer than that to your children, your siblings, your parents, and even your mate.


Iris phased into the room looking excited at the prospect of seeing her mate again. A small seed of guilt bloomed in me at it. I can't be selfish and keep her from him. I just need to calm down and breathe. Thomas patted my head as another sigh escaped my lips. "We're there for max 5 hours and no more. You DO NOT mention anything about our coven's location and nothing about why we live in secret. Am I clear Iris?"

"Yes, let's go already", she answered halfheartedly. "I am being serious Iris. If you so much as mentioned the name before I determine if we can trust them, I will place wards strong enough to lock you in your palace for the next 20 years. Do you understand?"

"Let's go"

Thomas opened the portal and stepped through first before I did and lastly Iris. The area was different from the last time we were here. An open structure stood next to a lake surrounded by forest trees. 5 wolves were there when the portal closed. Ignoring them, Thomas and I turned to place a protection ward around the area. I could do it myself, but it takes less time and energy if we do it together. I cast the spell and draw energy from Thomas to do it. Thomas used his sword to draw the symbol on the grass while I crouched down to cast the spell.

nun ul ber prone el verasyo

The blue energy shot out from the middle of the charm into the sky and covered the area in a dome. I turned back to the group and noticed the female was a bit unsettled as she watched us and the dome in caution. Iris ran past us and jumped into the arms of the young male I'm assuming is Keiho her mate. Whatever they were saying and whispering to each other, I didn't care. I watched the other 4 wolves walk over to us as Thomas stood behind my back before I heard him through the mind link.

"I can smell the distrust rolling off of the female, even a bit of anger and a tinge of fear.", he snickered.

The alpha had a pensive look on his face as he drew near. Probably wants to know why I'm ignoring the bond we both can feel pulsing between us.

"I am Alpha Avalon. I lead the Todium pack of who's territory you're currently in. This is my Beta Charles, my gamma Luis, my brother Keiho, the pack doctor Eliza and Sean who guards this section of the territory.

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