Chapter 24

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Harry stood anxiously just inside the Hogwarts gates, resisting the urge to pace. He was truly nervous of seeing Mrs. Malfoy, despite all that had happened over the summer.

"Mr. Potter? Are you alright?" Harry jumped at the voice, nearly whipping around. He was greeted with the sight of a very regal looking Mrs. Malfoy, dressed in billowing pale green robes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright, Mrs. Malfoy, you just surprised me, is all." He said a bit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"That's quite alright," she chuckled, hiding her slight smile behind a hand. "Shall we be going?" Harry nodded, the two walking to the apparition point just outside the gates.

After the uncomfortable feeling of being forced through a tube far too small that was apparation, nerves Harry didn't realize he had rose to the surface. Snape had told him that Dumbledore had been his magical guardian, and his parent's wills had been sealed, but those things aside, Harry was entirely oblivious. He knew so little of his own family that Harry felt ashamed.

Harry had been so lost in thought that he didn't notice arriving at Gringotts, at least, not until Mrs. Malfoy put her hand on his shoulder. Confused at first, Harry looked up at her, seeing her gaze resting politely on something in front of them.

"Your key?" The goblin said impatiently.

"Um, I'm sorry, sir, but I was never given my key..." Harry could feel his cheeks coloring in embarrassment. The goblin's eyebrow went up in what Harry assumed to be a combination of surprise and suspicion.

"Well then, you will have to take a blood test in order to have access to your vaults, Mr. Potter." Harry was shocked that the goblin knew who he was, but assumed that Mrs. Malfoy had said something when he had been lost in thought.

The goblin called over another, demanding it to bring a test for Harry to use. Harry, however, didn't notice this. He was, once again, lost in his own thoughts. Why did Dumbledore seal his parent's wills? What did they say? And why did he appoint himself magical guardian, only to leave him at the Dursley's? He had told Harry of the blood wards, but surely Dumbledore wasn't so inattentive to the obvious signs of abuse? Harry cringed at the thought.

Soon enough, the goblin returned holding what seemed to be a piece of parchment. By this point, however, Harry had stopped questioning unassuming magical objects. Tom's journal had taught him well enough. A simple looking blade was soon thrust into his hands.

"A few drops of blood should be sufficient." The first goblin spoke, gesturing for Harry to do so over the paper.

Harry internally shrugged, knowing that the goblins had no reason to trick him. He did as instructed, watching in pure amazement as the few drops from his pricked finger created swirls in what seemed to be another language.

"Well, that takes care of that. Right this way Mr. Potter." The goblin stood from where he sat behind a large podium. Harry and Narcissa were led down one of the many hallways, soon being waved into a small office of a room.

"Now Mr. Potter, before I bring you to your vaults, I would like to speak to you about a few things. I imagine you received our letters over the past few months?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't know what you're talking about." Harry shifted awkwardly, feeling like he'd done something wrong.

"What? Gringotts has sent several letters, each of which rather important. Over the past several years we have sent letters notifying you of any and all vault withdrawals. And, more recently, discussing the private will reading of Sirius Black." Harry's breath hitched at the name, the wound still rather fresh. Moments later, a realization dawned on him.

"Would my magical guardian, or someone who holds my key have the ability to access my vaults, and disrupt any public owls?" When the goblin nodded, Harry felt a wave of anger course through him, magic crackling around his hands.

He wasn't sure if Mrs. Malfoy noticed, or the goblin for that matter. Distantly, Harry thought he should ask for his name. But soon enough, he felt the anger come back in waves. The only possible explanation was that Dumbledore had not only cut him off from his friends and surrogate family, but he also had cut him off from his godfather's will. Harry was downright murderous. He could physically feel his magic react to his anger; it was crackling, fracturing around him. Vaguely, he heard the calls from Mrs. Malfoy, but he was too far gone. A loud ringing filled his ears, masking a popping noise from around him.

Eventually, Harry began to calm, with the help of a presence that felt eerily like Draco in his mind. He took deep breaths, avoiding all thoughts of Dumbledore like the plague, knowing it would only anger him further. Finally, he opened his eyes, not knowing when exactly he had closed them.

"Mr. Potter?" Came the almost shaky voice of the goblin. Harry, however, didn't respond. He was too lost staring at the mess he had created. It was painfully similar to his bedroom at Hogwarts, with papers scattered, overturned shelves, books thrown about the room.

Harry couldn't help it, he began shaking violently, feeling a sense of dread and guilt build up in his stomach.

"S-Sir, I'm... I'm so sorry. I-I didn't... didn't m-mean to..."

"Mr. Potter; Harry," Narcissa spoke, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, though Harry flinched out of her light grip. She frowned, but continued. "It's alright, no one is angry with you." She spoke softly. She then lifted her wand, casting a quick spell to put the destroyed office back the way it was.

"Mr. Potter, based on what I've heard today, I would recommend you take another blood test." Harry, while still shaky, was able to voice his confusion, though it did take a few attempts. "The previous one you took was simply for identification. The one I recommend, however, would show any spells unknowingly cast on you."

"Excuse me, but do you really find that necessary?" Narcissa spoke up, turning her attention from comforting Harry.

"I'm afraid so, Mrs. Malfoy. I wouldn't have said so if I thought otherwise." There was a snideness in his voice, but Harry thought he could hear something akin to fear.

Harry spoke up, now, voicing his consent. By this point, he wasn't sure what Dumbledore was capable of.

Just as before, the goblin called in another, who later came in with a piece of parchment, though he was also holding a rather ornamental dagger.

   Grabbing the items with shaking hands, Harry did as the goblin instructed, unsurprised when his blood morphed into unfamiliar script; just the same as earlier. He handed them back to the goblin, briefly focusing on keeping his limbs still.

   His attempts were quickly put to an end when a look of pure rage overtook the goblins features.

   Upon hearing the translation, the Gringotts office held no chance of surviving the magical storm that rained down on it.

A/n: Hi guys, I hope you like the chapter! Tell me what you think, and any suggestions on the comments!
I want to apologize for taking so long to update; I was struggling with inspiration for this story. But not to worry! This story will be finished!!

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