Chapter 13

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Draco had stayed up most of the night researching the mating rituals for Seers, not leaving any book in the Malfoy library on the subject untouched. He wanted to be sure to have as much information as possible for Harry when the time came. And, however good his intentions, he still regretted it when morning came. Draco was never one to sleep through the morning, but that didn't mean he was opposed to the idea on mornings like this. Meaning, following all-nighters.

"Draco? Are you ready?" Came the voice of his mother. Now, Draco didn't claim to be a brave man, but even the bravest wouldn't try and disobey his mother's clear call. Quickly, Draco cast a cleaning charm, and dressed himself in a pale blue silk button down shirt, and basic grey trousers. Practically rushing down the stairs to not keep his mother waiting, he was surprised to find his mate awkwardly standing by his mother and father.

"Draco, I'm glad you're awake and decent. I had thought it would be a bit more difficult considering how late you stayed in the library." Narcissa said with a raised eyebrow and a disapproving look on her face. Draco, at least, had the humility to look scolded.

"Our son's sleeping habits aside, we must be going soon. And," Lucius said while eyeing Harry's ratty clothes distastefully, "your mate's clothing will not do. I'm sure you don't mind lending him something of yours?" Draco simply nodded, more than happy to get his mate out of those hideous rags. Nodding, he led Harry up to his room. Upon entering, he walked directly over to his rather large closet, leaving the other boy to sit on his bed.

Eventually, Draco found something that he deemed suitable; an emerald button down and black trousers. Handing them to the raven haired boy, he turned away for Harry to change. When given the go ahead, he turned feeling his breath catch in his throat at the sight before him. The color of the shirt matched Harry's eyes perfectly, bringing attention to them, despite the ridiculous round glasses. Looking down, he saw that the hems of the trousers were far too long, almost comically so. Grabbing his wand form his pocket, Draco cast a simple shrinking charm. This action caused Harry to gasp, much to Draco's confusion.

"You used magic? Outside of Hogwarts?" He asked, a nervousness coloring his voice. This just confused Draco further. He just nodded in response. "But, that's against the rules?" It came out more of a question than a statement.

"Of course. The Ministry never actually holds anyone to that rule." Draco said, still a bit confused. "They can't expect first years to control themselves, especially muggleborns." An almost offended expression briefly crossed Harry's face. "Why do you ask?" He questioned suspiciously.

"Nothing really..." He trailed off, only continuing when Draco gave a slight glare. "I was nearly kicked out of Hogwarts when Dobby used magic at the Dursley's a few years ago." He said quietly. Draco, despite his anger, just gave an irritated sigh. "It isn't as if it's a secret that the Ministry hates me."

"Be that as it may, that still gives them no right to do such a thing. There is a massive difference between a wizard's magic, and that of a house elf. Surely even they could tell the difference. " Draco said bitterly. Though, he realized, now wasn't the time to rant about the corrupt system within the Ministry. After all, his parents were waiting for them downstairs. Letting out another sigh, he guided Harry back to the front hall, where they met his parents. Lucius quickly looked Harry up and down, silently nodding his approval. Finally, they were all ready to leave for Diagon Alley. Harry apparated with Narcissa, and Draco with his father.

Upon arrival at the entrance of Diagon Alley, a group of people all stopped to stare at them. Harry, while uncomfortable, was used to the stares. That, however, didn't mean he was prepared for the mass of people who began to question him all at the same time.

"Mr. Potter, why are you with the Malfoy's?"

"Mr. Potter, is that the young Malfoy's clothing?"

"Harry?" This voice Harry recognized. Whipping his head around, he saw a familiar group of redheads along with one bushy haired girl. Quickly shoving their way through the crowd, they walked up to the group, scowling heavily at the Malfoys.

"Ron? Hermione? What are you doing here?" Harry winced at how guilty he sounded.

"The better question is; what are you doing with the bloody Malfoys?!"

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