Chapter 11

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Once again, Harry awoke in the plush bed. To be perfectly honest, he felt restless. He hadn't moved from the bed, let alone the room, in nearly two weeks. And, considering the fact that it had been rare when he wasn't moving previously, holiday or no, it was a strange feeling. One that was almost entirely unwelcome. But Harry didn't have the heart to say a word to any of the Malfoy's that would bring him his meals and potions. (That wasn't entirely true. To be perfectly honest, Harry didn't have enough courage, Gryffindor be damned, to go against Mrs. Malfoy's strict orders of bed rest.)

In Harry's relatively short conversations with Draco's parents, it became increasingly apparent that they were hiding something from him. Harry may not of been the most observant, but even he noticed how they would always change the subject whenever their son's creature inheritance came up. And Harry was determined to find out what it was.

"Mr. Potter, I've brought you your lunch." Came the voice of Lucius Malfoy from the doorway. The Malfoy patriarch never stayed for long; generally watching to make sure Harry drank the potions before sweeping out of the room. This time however, he stayed a few moments longer. "My son wishes to know if you would be against his company this afternoon." He said matter-of-factly, a single blonde eyebrow raised in question.

"No, I don't mind at all." Harry answered, curious as to why Draco wanted to see him. The seer hadn't been back to talk to him since explaining his heritage. Harry thought it as out of disgust at who his mate turned out to be. It wouldn't surprise him, Harry wouldn't want to be stuck with someone like himself for the rest of his life. And, based on what Draco told Harry, he would have to be with him.

At Harry's answer, Lucius left the room, presumably to fetch Draco. Though, Harry couldn't help but think that this could be a good opportunity. Maybe he would tell him what his parents wouldn't. Harry could dream, after all.

After several moments, a soft knock was heard from the door, followed by Draco slowly opening it. Harry was shocked by his appearance. His hair was matted and free of gel, dark circles were heavy underneath his eyes, and his face seemed sallow and tight. Had he been eating? It didn't look like it. And, for some reason, Harry needed to know why he was like this. The need felt as strong as his very need for oxygen. What could have possibly caused such a change in the normally put together teen?

   "Harry." Draco said softly, the ghost of a smile on his lips. Something that shocked Harry out of his stupor.

   "Are you alright?" Harry asked, foregoing his own selfish questions in favour of concern for the other boy.

   "I'm quite alright, Potter. In fact, I should be the one to ask you that." He said, managing to put up a dignified mask. Harry, however, saw right through it.

   "Draco," Harry said, a meaningful look on his face, "don't lie to me." And with those words, the facade Draco had crumpled into nonexistence. It only served to show how exhausted Draco truly was, increasing Harry's concern exponentially.

   "It's nothing, Potter." He said, sounding defeated. Harry didn't believe a word of what Draco said. Harry himself had said those things to a concerned Hermione a million times in the past. He wouldn't be fooled. By this point, Draco had made his way to the chair at Harry's bedside. This enabled Harry to lay his hand on Draco's leg, rather than voice his concern. Draco, to his credit, didn't speak for several minutes. "I'm afraid it has to do with the mateship." He muttered, obviously not wanting to say. "However, it does not concern you." Harry couldn't help but feel angry at the other boy's words.

   "Like hell it doesn't!" Harry practically growled. "Even if it had nothing to do with our mateship, it would still involve me. You saved me, Draco. The least I could do is help you in return." Harry said through clenched teeth. To be honest, he had no idea where this sudden aggression came from, but he wasn't going to question it quite yet. If anything, it was helping to get his point across. "And don't try to downplay it. No offence, but you look like shit. How can I help you if I don't know the full extent of things?" Harry finished rhetorically. Draco stared at him for several moments, shocked at his outburst. Shaking his head slightly, he sighed before speaking.

   "It has to do with your... acceptance  of the mateship." He said, refusing to meet Harry's eyes. Harry stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue. "I'm afraid there are...physical ramifications that come with a lack of acceptance for the seer." Draco said quietly, obviously not wanting to say it.

"Like what?" Harry asked softly, almost afraid of the answer. Once again, it was several moments before any answer came.

"It can cause physical as well as mental and emotional strain..." He trailed off, clearly not planning on saying anymore. Though, Harry didn't think he needed to hear anymore. Though, clearly Draco wasn't telling him the full story, if Draco's physical appearance was anything to go by.

"And what would happen if I were to reject you?" Harry asked, not realising how harsh that sounded. Though, upon seeing Draco flinch, he rushed to explain. "No! I don't mean that I'm going to reject you." Draco breathed a sigh of relief at that, but he wasn't too relaxed. Draco wasn't naive enough to think that Harry would leave this alone. Especially considering the lack of discretion his parents had been using. With a deep breath, he prepared himself to tell Harry what he knew would take away any choice the other teen may have had regarding this mateship.

"Should you decide to reject me as a mate, then I will... as a seer, I will be forced to suffer a fate worse than death."

A/n: Hey guys!!! I am SO sorry that's it's been so long since I last updated! To be blunt, I've been dealing with certain mental issues these past couple months, and honestly haven't been up to writing. As for my other story, Carry On, I do plan to update, but it may be a bit more time before that story updates. Thank you so much for reading, and be sure to comment!

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