Chapter 3

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The blonde teenager woke up with a smile on his face. He met his mate! And he didn't seem to mind that he was another man! He quickly sat up, the covers slipping from his bare chest. Quickly standing and walking towards the bathroom, Draco Malfoy began to mentally prepare himself to tell his father the news. Draco frowned at the thought.

   It had been quite the shock when he awoke with his father in a chair beside him, explaining his inheritance, mentioning that those horrid nightmares were actually visions of his mate. It was strange to think that it had been nearly two months since that stressful night. The next day his father explained his heritage to him in full, as he only briefly explained the basics of what happened the previous night. Among his explanation was why he wouldn't immediately go into the shimmering dream room, or be drawn to his mate, was because he likely wasn't of age yet. (Apparently, Draco would have had visions on the night of his mate's birthday if they had been older.)

   Draco walked out of the bathroom practically glowing with relaxation. Walking out of his wing towards the small dining room, he continued to think of how he would phrase his rather exciting news. Upon entering the smaller room, he saw his father sitting on the side of the short table, sipping coffee and reading The Prophet. Draco walked over to the wooden table, ordering his breakfast from a house elf.

"Good morning, Draco." His father said, still not looking up from the wizarding newspaper.

"Good morning, father." He responded, looking around to ensure that they were alone. "I have news." He waited for the Malfoy patriarch to look up before continuing. "I have met my mate. Or, at least, in the magical room you described." He said, waiting for his father's reaction. Lucius only raised a blonde eyebrow, eyes widening ever so slightly.

"Oh?" The blonde man responded, setting down his newspaper with a sigh. If Draco had gone to the room, then his mate must be far away. Were they even in the country? He, for one, did not want to travel the world in search of his son's mate. Lucius was brought out of his musing by his son, who continued talking.

"That is not all, father." Draco took a deep breathe, hoping his father's reaction wouldn't be too drastic. "He is another man." Draco looked down at his hands, preparing himself for an explosion that never came.

"Lift your head, my Dragon. Have I not told you that such trivial things do not concern me?" He said, suppressing a smile at the relieved face of his son. "Not only this, but you also have no choice in the matter. The mate of a Seer is a witch or wizard that compliments their magic perfectly, usually magically stronger than the Seer themselves." He continued, allowing a small smirk to grace his features. He waited a moment for his son to look up at him. "Now, tell me all you can about your mate." Lucius watched his son perk up in amusement.

"Oh, he is amazing, father. As you said, I can only see his eyes, but I cannot say that I'm averted to the idea now that I've seen them. They are absolutely gorgeous emerald eyes." Draco seemed to realise he was rambling, and shook his head. "Though, he is at least muggle-raised, if not muggleborn, he didn't clarify I'm afraid. I don't really know much else. I spent most of our time explaining where he was and why." He finished, a frown on his face at his lack of information.

   Draco couldn't help but look forward to that night, when he would see his mate again.


   That night, Draco found himself back in the lavender room made for him and his mate. He smiled at the thought of the emerald eyed boy. That smile soon faded when he saw his beautiful mate bawling on the bed. Draco quickly ran over to him, moving to bring him into an embrace, but stopped when the other boy tensed.

"What is wrong?" Draco asked, desperate to put an end to his mate's pain. When the other boy shook his head, more tears falling from his gorgeous eyes, Draco began to panic a bit. "Please, tell me what is wrong." He begged, completely desperate to help his mate, to know what hurt him so much. Draco began to reach over again, though it was clearly the wrong thing to do, as the other boy jumped off the bed, and ran to the other side of the room.

   "N-no." He choked out, more tears streaming down his blurred face. "P-please. S-stop." He leaned against one of the walls, his face buried in his hands, sobs racking his body. Draco stood and slowly moved over to his mate.

   "Please, what has upset you?" Draco asked, still slowly moving forward. "Let me help you." He said softly, pleadingly. At those words his mate froze, suddenly looking up into Draco's silver eyes. In the next moment, his mate flung himself into Draco's arms, sobbing into his shoulder, muttering incoherencies. After some time, he pulled back, wiping his emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." He said shakily, trailing off. "I just- I thought- I thought it was just a dream..." He muttered, seemingly embarrassed. Draco would have chuckled if the image of his mate sobbing weren't so fresh in his mind.

"Please, tell me what is wrong." Draco asked, praying to anyone that would listen that his mate would tell him, and that it wouldn't be as bad as he feared. He saw his mate begin to shake his head, probably intending to deny his concerns. Draco quickly shushed him. "Do not wave me off, I know that something is wrong. Please, you are my mate, I will do anything to help you." Draco stared into the emerald eyes of his mate, willing him to understand. His mate seemed to deflate a bit, a sadness creeping into his gaze.

   "It's nothing really..." Draco glared at him, causing the other boy to sigh in defeat. "My uncle was a bit upset with me when he got home..." He said vaguely. Unfortunately for him, Draco was far more observant than most. Images of his mate tensing at an unexpected touch, shaking against a wall, begging him to stop. How he collapsed into his arms when he said he wanted to help him. How he immediately apologized afterward... Grey eyes narrowed slightly in realization, fury engulfing his very being.

   "Has he hurt you?" Draco asked, receiving his answer when the other boy looked down, shaking his head hesitantly. "Don't lie to me." He said, unconsciously holding the boy tighter.

   "It's not that bad..." Emerald eyes looked down determinedly.

   "Not that bad? Hurting you once is despicable." He scoffed, unable to hold back the anger he was feeling toward his mate's uncle, already plotting revenge for his mate. "How long?" He asked suddenly. He saw his mate hesitate, causing his anger to increase. "Please, tell me."

   "I'm not sure... I guess for... as long as I can remember..." He said, still refusing to look at Draco, who now saw red. How dare someone have the audacity to hurt his mate. Draco quickly came to a decision.

   "I will not let you stay there any longer, do you hear me? Not a moment longer than necessary." He said, more determined than he had ever been before.

   "No, I have to stay there. It's for my own safety." His mate protested. Draco decided to ignore the comment for the moment.

   "The manor is one of the safest places in the country. You will be safe there." Draco responded, refusing to let his mate stay at that horrid place for a moment longer, wishing he could remove him from there right then. He stared at his mate, waiting for him to meet his own silver eyes. After a few minutes, he did. "I will not stand by knowing someone is hurting you. I would never abandon you in such a way." He said seriously, refusing to break the eye contact that took so long to create. He stared at him, waiting for a response. Finally, his mate slowly nodded, clearly very hesitant to agree. Draco couldn't hold back a sigh of relief.

   "But how will I find you? Or even go there? I live in the muggle world." He asked, clearly nervous. Draco couldn't hold back a smirk.

"That is easy part." Draco responded.

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