Chapter 21

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The next day at breakfast, Harry felt dread pool in his insides. Moments before, the sound of fluttering wings filled the Great Hall, owls dropping notes and parcels in front of expecting students. Harry, though, was used to not receiving too much mail. That was not the case this time. Hedwig dropped a single piece of mail in front of him before flying off. Opening the innocent looking envelope, Harry had to hold back a groan.

Dear Harry,

I would like to speak with you after your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Please see me in my office.

-Professor Dumbledore

P.s. I've been known to indulge myself with chocolate frogs recently.

Harry had already been dreading DADA, but now even more so. Merlin knew why Dumbledore wanted to see him, and Harry wasn't sure he even wanted to know.

With a reserved sigh, Harry stood from the Gryffindor table, intent on being a bit early to DADA. Snape couldn't take away points for being too early, right? Though, Harry wasn't sure how to feel about the professor. When Harry escaped from his relatives, Snape had been the one to heal him. He'd likely be dead without the potions master. But Snape left pretty soon after he'd been healed, so this would be the first time Harry would see him since then.

Arriving in front of the door, Harry hesitated. He knew the class was with Slytherins, so perhaps Draco would be there? But wouldn't Hermione also have the class? And, knowing her, she would already be sitting in the room, likely alone. There was no way Harry was going in that classroom until a witness walked in.

And so Harry stood there. Albeit a bit awkwardly, but he supposed he could be arguing with Hermione, or losing house points. A few minutes later, much to Harry's eternal gratitude, Neville turned the corner, nose buried in a herbology book. Unfortunately, that meant that he inevitably tripped over his own feet.

"Oh, hey Harry." He said, rubbing his likely sore tailbone. "Why aren't you in the classroom?" Now it was Harry's turn to be embarrassed.

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck, fighting back a blush. "Hermione's probably in there..." He winced when Neville laughed.

"Fair enough mate." He wiped off the front of his robes upon standing, the usual friendly smile on his face. "Guess we'll face the music together." Harry laughed, following the other boy into the dreaded classroom. He didn't bother making eye contact with Hermione (who was already in the room, as expected,) or Snape, seating himself in one of the middle rows, hoping not to draw too much attention.

Harry didn't bother looking as the other students shuffled in, several barely making it before Snape slammed the large door shut. He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Was the potions master always so dramatic? Finally looking up, he saw that Neville sat nervously next to him. Draco, on the other hand, sat near the other Slytherins, eyebrows furrowed in irritation. Harry wondered what he had missed.

The class went by surprisingly quickly, all things considered. Snape mostly lectured, explaining his expectations, and what they would be doing in class. And, much to the class's joy, he said they would be focusing on practical defense. When the class ended, Harry began walking towards the Seer, intent on finding out what had happened earlier to irritate him so much. His plans, however, were interrupted by a drawling voice.

"Mr. Potter, I would like to speak with you for a moment."

Harry froze, immediately going through everything he'd done during class, trying to figure out what he'd done wrong. After the last student left the room, Snape approached to where Harry sat.


"You haven't done anything wrong, Mr. Potter." He interrupted. "I wished to speak with you about your situation. As I said previously, Dumbledore was your magical guardian, and is no longer. Upon further questioning at Gringotts, I discovered that the wills your parents left had been sealed by Dumbledore, and he later named himself guardian. That same night, you were left on the Dursley's stoop." He spat the name, anger obvious in his voice. Harry couldn't help but wince at the tone, quickly berating himself for the reaction. Snape sighed, obviously noticing it. "Mr. Potter, I also would like to... apologize, for my previous actions. I'll admit that I haven't forgiven the actions of your father, nor of his friends. That being said, I will try not to hold his actions against you. You are my godson's mate. And, that aside, I swore to make up for past discretions against your mother." Harry was shocked at the professor's words, for several reasons. Firstly, what had Snape done to his mother? And why was he trying to make up for it now? And he was Draco's godfather?! But, the biggest question running through his mind; why did Dumbledore seal his parents' will?

You should leave now, Mr. Potter. I'm sure Dumbledore is waiting." Harry started, practically sprinting out of the room. He didn't even realize that he'd never told Snape of his meeting with the Headmaster. Before leaving, though, he turned to Snape.

   "I don't know what's happened between you and my mum, but I think she'd forgive you. You saved my life, Professor. Even I'm not so dense to not realize that. I think your well on your way to redemption." Harry turned, continuing to run to his meeting with Dumbledore, leaving a very shocked professor in his wake.

"Harry?" Came the voice of Draco from where he'd run past him. Harry shouted that he'd see him back at their dorms soon, continuing his sprint to the gargoyle that led to the Headmaster's office. Quickly saying the password, he climbed the staircase, knocking on the door at the top. Upon being called in, Harry was met with the painfully familiar sight of Dumbledore sitting behind his desk, just as he had after the Ministry.

"Harry, my boy! It's good to see you." He said, gesturing for him to sit.

"Hello professor." Harry tried desperately to act normally, as if Snape hadn't just dropped a damn bomb on him. "Why did you want to see me?" Dumbledore sighed, a forlorn expression on his face.

"Harry, I have something to ask of you. I'm sure you know Professor Slughorn?" Harry nodded, confused. "He holds extremely important information, and I need you to extract it from him. Now-"

"I'm sorry, but why don't you just ask him directly? If it's so important, then surely he'd be willing to tell you?"

"I believe him to be ashamed of what occurred. But, before you speak to him-"

"Professor, are you asking me to manipulate him into telling me?" Harry asked, both shocked and appalled at what Dumbledore was asking of him. Who did the professor take him for?

"Harry, it is imperative that we know this information. It relates to the war, and with defeating Voldemort. You know the prophecy as well as I do, Harry. We must know."

"Professor, I'm not going to manipulate Professor Slughorn!" He all but shouted, affronted that Dumbledore would even ask him to. If the potions professor knew the stakes, he certainly would divulge something so important?

"Harry, please. It is for the greater good-"

"No!" Harry was shouting now, growing increasingly angry with every passing moment. Fuck the greater good! "I'm not going to do that, professor! I don't care if it's for the 'greater good' you're always on about!" Before Dumbledore could respond, Harry turned on his heels and stormed out, barely contained magic crackling around him.

As he swiftly walked towards his dorm room, Harry was certain of two things. The first being that he couldn't trust the headmaster any longer; he'd proven that much moments ago. The second; Harry was going to pay a visit to Gringotts. Soon.

A/n: Thank you guys so much for 33k!!!!!

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