Chapter 20

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Harry leaned his head onto his hand, praying that he wouldn't fall asleep on the first day of classes. Not that professor Binns would even notice. Glancing around the room, Harry saw that most of the students were in a similar state as he was, though some lost the battle with consciousness. To be fair, it was the first History of Magic class of the year, and the ghostly professor was already droning on about the Goblin Wars.

Harry wasn't embarrassed to admit that he, along with most of the other students nearly cried when the class was over.

"Merlin, how could anyone go on about Goblins for so bloody long?" Ron complained, massaging a kink he'd gotten in his neck after falling asleep. "It's the first class of the year, and I'm already ready for it do be done with!"

"Ron, you were over it on the train in first year." Harry snorted, outright laughing when Ron let out an offended squawk. "But you're right about Binns. Why does he even teach here anymore? It's not like he's, y'know, teaching us anything."

"Merlin knows. Dumbledore must be off his rocker to keep Binns around..." Ron muttered out, clearly still half asleep. Ron paused, before swearing loudly. "I forgot my potions book!" He cried out, running as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Harry couldn't help but laugh, leisurely making his way down the hallway. It was his free period, after all.

   Ron had decided to keep on the path of becoming an auror, but Harry hadn't. Instead, the young wizard had decided to look into becoming a caretaker of magical creatures. He'd always enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures, barring the blast-ended skrewts. And he'd do nearly anything to stay as far away from Slughorn as possible.

"Potter." Came a very familiar voice from behind him. Harry turned to see Zabini standing impatiently, an almost put out look on his face. "Draco asked me to see if you were alright. Something about the bond settling?"

"I'm alright, Zabini. And, I don't want to be rude, but why did Draco send you?" He asked shyly, repressing a smile at the Seer's concern.

"Draco had potions class, and Pansy would have likely ripped your throat out. So, seeing as I have a free period currently, he asked me."

Harry stood there awkwardly for several moments, deciding what to do for the next hour. Ron was in potions, assuming he managed to find his textbook in the mess of his things, and Hermione was out of the question. He knew that Seamus and Dean both had a free period, but something told him that he didn't want to disturb them. Binns hadn't assigned any essays, much to Harry's surprise, so there wasn't much point in going to the library. Zabini suddenly sighed, interrupting Harry's thoughts.

"Come on Potter." Harry just stared at him blankly. "You wanted to learn about wizarding culture, right? Well, I don't have all day." The Slytherin began tapping his foot dramatically, arms crossed. Harry quickly followed, still a bit confused as to what was happening. Harry knew that it would likely take some time before Draco's friends even began to accept him. That being said, he wasn't about to take this opportunity for granted.

"So, Potter, where would you like to start?" Zabini asked after they sat there things on a vacated table in the library. It was several moments of Harry staring blankly before the Italian spoke again. "The beginning I suppose. Well, I suppose I should begin by saying that the Ministry is made up of bigoted, mediocre twats. And the Minister is about as intelligent as a brick wall." Zabini bit out, practically spitting acid the words were so harsh. "The Ministry is supposed to, obviously keep wizards inline, but also promote peace and create treaties with other creatures. In fact, most Ministries, America aside, do have these policies in place. That's why Mother and I stay in Italy. However, over time people's views began to change, arseholes polluted the Ministry, until it became what you now know. With the Minister doing the bidding of whoever flaunts the most galleons his way."

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