Chapter 5: The Long Way Home

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Chapter 5: The Long Way Home

"Miss." A voice triggered my senses. I opened my groggy eyes and saw the bus driver staring back at me. I quickly pulled my earphones out of my ears and sat up. I rubbed at my eyes, feeling tired. "This is the last stop for this bus." The rude bus driver leered. He gave me a fake smile and pointed towards the door. I nodded, grabbing my bag from the upper-carriage, and walked off of the bus.

I looked around me. I knew this town all too well. It was about two hours from home, Garrett and I always came here when Drake was going out with his friends. When Drake was drunk he did bad things. I mean Drake was always drunk, but when he came back from parties he just-- I shook my head and walked over to the towns one and only diner. I haven't been here for nearly four months. It was odd, I felt like coming here was wrong. I spent a lot of long nights here with Garrett, hiding away; hoping that when we got home Drake wouldn't be mad that we had left. Mad that I had escaped, that Garrett had escaped. Even if it was just for a little while.

I didn't need this place anymore-- and that makes me feel nauseous. Maybe it's because I killed Drake. Maybe it's because I have been in more towns than I can count at this point. I don't really know. It just seems weird being here. I can't really describe it.

The bell chimes when I walk in and the hostess, Carmen, gives me a wary smile. I know she remembers me. I walk up to the booth. Carmen looks away from me and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Hi, Jenna." Carmen says softly, still avoiding eye contact. She grabs one menu and walks off. I follow her as she leads me to a table. I stare at her totally confused as to why she doesn't talk to me at all. Once she is done she practically sprints away from me. Suddenly it hits me that Garrett is all over the news. Carmen must have seen it. She must think Garrett is a murder. Oh how wrong she is.

I sigh as I put the menu at the end of the table. I prop my bag on the countertop while I fish out my journal.

This was a good last place to write in, and I knew I wanted to conclude my journal somehow. After I got my journal out, I threw my bag onto the other side of the booth, and sat down in the green booth.

I grab the pen that's attached to my journal and open to the next fresh page.

Well Journal,

Today is the day that I will go down for Drake's murder. Wow. It's weird to write that. Sometimes I feel like Drake's still here, haunting me, watching me every step of the way. He probably laughing at me in hell. Because today I will be put in jail.

I looked up for a moment, glancing around the quaint restaurant that was inhabited by normal people with normal problems.

I swallowed harshly, running a hand through my hair before returning to write in my journal.

I honestly have no idea what to write to conclude this journal that I've kept for so long. I don't know what a proper ending is. I don't know if this even deserves a proper ending. I don't know anything anymore. I guess this journal is basically the tale of how I spiraled out of control. How I lost my mind, maybe. All I know is this is the only pure and true thing in my life besides Garrett. It's gotten me through a lot.

"Hey Jenna." A familiar voice echoed from across me. I looked up and shut my journal. "It's been a while." Kathy said.

Kathy is an amazing mother of two children. She is the only one I've ever told about Drake's abuse. She said that we could come to this place anytime Drake got drunk. She didn't like it, but I begged her not to tell social services about Drake. I knew that if she did, Garrett and I would be split up-- and I couldn't let that happen.

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