Chapter 1: The Charmed Ones

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As I saw the glowing sign from across the street I let out a sigh of relief. Finally I thought to myself. I looked around in the dark alley before quietly muttering a cloaking spell "In this darkened night, keep me cloaked and out of sight"  I quickly felt the slight breeze whip around me as it hid me from the rest of the world and I stepped out of my hiding place and walked across the street, moving not to the crowd infront of the door but to the alley located behind P3. I could here the music blaring even from outside and wondered idily if it was like this every night. Moving quickly I went to the back door. Here goes nothing. I waved my hand in front of myself and lifted away the cloking spell, then I pressed my hand to the knob and said "let the powers of my ancestores soar, and help me to unlock this door!" I heard a feint click and i twisted the knob, the door opening up successfully. I smirked to myself before going in and closing the door behind me.

The music was louder once I walked into the room. A mirror lay propped up against the wall and I glanced at it quickly, my dark brown hair a tangled mess. I sighed and shook my head, looking down at the all black, skin tight fighters clothes that I wore. Yeah thisll get them to trust you. I thought sarcasticaly. I looked around, seeing the blue, postered covered walls. i noticed a door at the other end of the room and walked to it, my heart pounding faster with every step.

What was I doing? They are never going to trust me...not with who i am...with what i am...I opened the door and stepped into the crowd, my internal monologue shutting off immediately. I searched the crowd, my vision scanning over the different faces that I saw. I pushed my way into the crowd and walked towards the bar, searching still. The music blared and the light on the dance floor flashed, making things difficult to see. When I finally reached it my eyes ranged out once more and finally landed on the people I was looking for.

The Charmed Ones.

I walked forward towards Piper, Phoebe and Paige Halliwell. My eyes never leaving their faces. My heart was pounding a mile a minute and my steps towards them felt slow and sluggish. They were sitting on bar stools; sipping their drinks and talking amongst eachother. Leo Wyatt their whitelighter and Pipers husband stood behind them talking to Cole, Phoebes husband. I watched as Cole left suddenly, Leo following him.

What if he saw me!? What if he recognizes me!? The paniced thoughts raced through my mind and I almost stopped. Almost. Just get it over with. Dont be afraid. I finally reached them and tapped Piper on the shoulder. She turned around to look at me "Can I help you?" She asked.

Alright. Lets set this plan in motion. I didnt say anything. I let my eyes go completely black and then spoke "Come with me" The alarm and readiness on her face was imminent and I turned quickly, walking back towards the room in which I had come.

I heard the three of them start to follow me and I let my eyes clear up so that others wouldnt see what I truly was. As I opened the door to the room I was assaulted by blue sparkling lights. Damn their whitelighter for orbing in! I lashed out knocking him to the side before turning back towards the Charmed Ones. Phoebe had her fists raised and Piped her hands at the ready. I scanned them over, my temper starting to cool as I rationalized what was going to happen.

Slowly, I put my hands up in the universal sign of peace. "Wait" I started. "Who the hell are you!?" Piper asked. "No, what the hell are you?" Paige sneered. I squinted my eyes in annoyance "Let me explain" They watched me skeptically, and I took a breath before speaking.

"My name is Leah, and I am not here to harm you-"

"then why did you harm our whitelighter?" Phoebe asked. I sighed "Purely defensive. I needed to explain to you who I am and why I am here"

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