Chapter 12: Heartbreak City

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Chris opened his eyes to see Leahs eyes watching him. A smile spread across his face at her innocent expression. "Good morning" he chuckled. She gave him a small smile but Chris could tell that it was forced, something was still wrong. He furrowed his brow and asked "Whats wrong?" He watched as she tried to compose herself, the softness in her eyes leaving as she pushed down what was eating her from the inside. "Nothing" she said softly but coldly.

Chris internally sighed and a pain tugged at his chest. His arm was still wrapped around Leahs waist and he used that to his advantage, pulling her closer to him. He smiled wickedly as her cold expression changed to one of shock and fear "Wh-what are you doing?" she asked in a small voice. He moved and pressed his forhead to hers, so that their lips were inches apart. "What do you think Im doing?" he asked. She looked into his eyes, shaking slightly. She was fighting it, he could tell. Chris was amused by the battle raging on inside her eyes and soon he just pulled back, letting her relax.

He laughed and sat up in bed, looking back at her still form. She quickly composed herself and sat up to, pushing him slightly "You asshole" she shook her head and began to climb out of bed. Chris watched her. Her movements were so fluid as she walked over to the dressar and began pulling out clothing. He noticed that everything was black and he raised his eyebrows "are all the clothes you own black?" She met his eyes through the mirror and shook her head. "Not all...just most..."

Chris chuckled and got out of bed, stretching out. He walked up behind Leah and once again met her eyes through the mirror. "Heres an idea" he started "what if me and you take Wyatt to the park today? We could picnic and just spend the day outside" Leah raised her eyebrows and Chris watched as she thought for a moment.

Finally after what felt like forever she nodded "alright, that sounds good to me" Chris smiled "excellent"

* * *

I smiled and kissed Wyatt "Well arent you adorable in your little jacket!" Wyatt smiled, showing off his little baby teeth. Wyatt was a good distraction from everything and I was in need of a good distraction. After our little rendezvous in the beddroom, Chris had left to go change and I had collected Wyatt, getting him ready. I admit that I was excited about going out. Not because it would just be me and Chris but because I knew that Wyatt would be there to stop anything from happening.

Especially after this morning. When Chris had pulled me closer to him I had completely froze, unsure of what to do. I thought he was going to kiss me and I had readied myself to push him away, even though a small part of me wanted him too. But he didnt-and I didnt know if I should be relieved or upset. I was trying not to think about it; trying to keep my mind on Wyatt.

He looked up at me curiously and I poked his nose "Im alright buddy, just a little conflicted at the moment" Wyatt reached up and patted my cheek and I smiled "Youre too smart for your own good, ya know that?" he squealed and I picked him up and blinked us downstairs. I carried him into the kitchen where Piper and Chris were filling a cooler bag with food "we're all set!" I said as I entered the kitchen.

Piper looked up and smiled and me and Wyatt. "Well look whos all dressed up" Piper looked at Wyatt with such motherly love and my heart warmed. I hadnt seen that look in a long time. "Almost set?" I asked Chris. He nodded and put a few bottles of water in the bag as he responded "Yup. lets go"

"Have fun. And call us if anything...happens" Piper finally said. I nodded in understanding. Call her if any demons attack. Chris walked over to Wyatt and me and led us out into the foyer, where Wyatt's stroller was parked. "Do you think you can blink all three of us and the stroller to the park?" Chris asked. I raised my eyebrows at him "heres an idea, how about we just walk to the park. Ya know, have a little break from magic" Chris sighed and rolled his eyes "alright fine." I punched his arm lightly "dont be an ass, Im not going to blink us there when we can just walk"

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