Chapter 20: Epilogue

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I came to slowly, my senses coming to me gradually. I opened my eyes and was blinded by a bright white light. Where am I? Surely this isnt hell?

Thats where I thought I was going at least. I didnt think I deserved heaven. I stood up and nearly fell back over. I had a massive headache. I rubbes my temples grumpily. "Itll only hurt for a little while." Said a voice. I turned around and saw a woman walking towards me.

"The headache will only last for about an hour, thats when the initial shock of death will wear off too." She said to me. She had long dark hair and blue eyes. She wore a simple white gown and when I looked down I was wearing the exact same one.

"Where am I?" I asked her. She smiled a warm smile and I felt at home, suddenly at peace as if I knew this stranger. "Youre in heaven" she said. "Or at least some form of it, anyway." I raised my eyebrows in confusion and she laughed.

"I will explain everything. Come, take my hand and I will show you." I reached forward and took her hand. As soon as our skin made contact I gasped. I knew this woman! I looked up into her eyes, bewilderment on my features.


She smiled.


Authours Note.

Oh my god!!! I just finished writing this book!!! I am completely thrilled and depressed all at the same time! Its taken me a few months but I actually did it and I have so many of you to thank!

First off I would just like to say that there are so many of you that I would like to dedicate this book to but seeing as though it can only be one, I wont dedicate it to anyone. But I would like to make a special thanks to CraCharmedHalliwell and AthenaPrue450. You both have touched my life in so many ways and have honestly helped me complete this! I couldnt have done it without you!

Writing this book was so emotional for me! Especially the last two chapters! I dont know about you all but I was bawling as I was writing! Lol it was hard for me to kill off Leah. She meant a lot to me.

Anyway, on a happier note, I am very pleased to tell you that there WILL be a sequel to The Almighty Child! When will it come out? Well lets just say that I need some time to recover from this one before I begin my next book. Though i can promise that it will be ASAP!

Anyway, thank you all so much for reading this book and I hope that you will continue to follow Leahs journey! As well as read some of my other stories!

Dont forget to comment, vote and share with your friends!

Love always, Lina.

** Book two "The Almighty Choice" out now**

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