Chapter 7: The Bare Witch Project

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I pushed my legs faster, my feet slapping against the pavement hard. My legs burned and my lungs ached for oxygen. I pushed myself faster still, sprinting down the sidewalk. "Hey! You want to wait for me!?" Cole said breathlessy ten feet behind me "you know not all of us are triple blessed magical creatures!" he called. I chuckled and slowed down, letting him catch up to me. He panted loudy and I looked over at him "hey this was your idea" I said breathlessly.

"Do me a favor, the next time I have an idea would you just electricute me or something so that I actually start thinking straight" I laughed. Cole and I had been running for about two and a half hours. We had run about 42 kilometres and had point two left to go to complete the marathon we had decided to run. One of the perks of being partial demon I guess, I had great endurance.

Cole on the other hand didnt. I chuckled to myself as I saw the manor come into view "Alright Cole lets sprint the last bit" he grunted and I took off, pushing my legs to go harder and pumping my arms. Cole was right on my heels and I pressed myself to go fast. As we finally ran past the manor I slowed down, walking a little. Cole had run up behind me and had done the same thing. He panted heavily and leaned on his knees. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and inhaled, my lungs thanking me for the oxygen. "C'mon" I said "lets go inside" he nodded and I grabbed his arm, blinking us into the house.

We landed in the front foyer and Cole fell to the ground, lying on his back. I chuckled and looked down at him. "Cole!" Phoebe screeched. I looked up to see her on the stairs wearing a panic stricken face. "Is he alright!?" she said racing down to his side. "Hes fine, just a little exhausted is all" She kneeled down and ran her fingers though his hair and he opened his eyes and smiled up at her tiredly "Hey babe" he smiled. "hiya" Phoebe returned his smile.

They looked at eachother lovingly and I took it upon myself to let the love birds have some alone time. I sighed and moved towards the kitchen "Ill leave you two alone then" I said before exiting the foyer and walking into the empty kitchen. I opened up the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. I opened it up a drank rapidly, letting the cold water cool my insides. That feels so much better.

Just then I heard the tinkling sounds of someone orbing into the kitchen and I turned around to see Wyatt standing before me, a cute smile plastered onto his face. I grinned and kneeled down, opening up my arms. "C'mere baby" I cooed. He ran up to me in his little baby version of running and came into my arms, where I smothered him in kisses. "How are we doing today? Hmm? All better now?" I asked refferring to yesterdays...incident. Just then somebody else orbed into the room and I looked up to see Paige looking breathlessly at Wyatt and I. "Wyatt there you are! I look away for one second and you disappear!" She shook her head and kneeled down to where I was holding him.

"Little bugger" she muttered. I chuckled and hugged him tightly. He cooed in my ear and softly and my heart warmed. Paige looked at him hugging me and then looked at me "he really loves you, ya know?" I smiled softly "I love him too"

She smiled "listen...I heard about what happened here last night and I know for a fact that it wasnt you who sent the demon to attack Wyatt, no matter what Chris says." I sighed. "Thanks, Paige. That means a lot, especially when he dosnt seem to understand that I could never hurt this little boy" I picked Wyatt up as I stood up and leaned my head against his. She smiled warmly and caressed his head softly. "Somethings up with him...hes not been acting like himself lately" Paige sighed "I wish we could figure out what it was.." she said mostly to herself, staring off into space.

You and me both..."I think Im going to take Wyatt upstairs with me for a little bit, if you dont mind that is" Paige smiled and shook her head. "Of course not, hes all yours" I smiled and looked at Wyatt "you hear that buddy? Youre all mine" he giggled and clapped his hands together and I  threw him up into the air. "He is just so adorable!" I said. Paige nodded and smiled and I began to walk out of the kitchen.

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