Looks are deceiving

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The day came to smooth things out: Jane, Patrick, Cassandra and Fedor went to the mall together to meet each other while they played. Patrick plays table hockey with Fedor, while they chat about the things they do and how they met Jane. For her part, Jane and Cassandra play dance dance Revolution while Jane asks Cassandra questions about why she changed schools, where she lives and what she likes to do. When girls and boys finish playing separately, the boys go to look for the girls for a table hockey tournament among the four, but the girls accept only if the boys accept to compete in the dance dance revolution. The boys accept, go for chips for the machine, first the girls give a lesson and show how well they dance to the boys, an issue that intimidates them since Cassandra and Jane do it very well, the girls finish dancing, and the boys pass, who also do very well and the girls are surprised, so they go to table hockey to break the tie. This time they are two against two, but they are tied, so they decide to complicate things, playing the best of 4, first plays Patrick against Jane, who tie and want to continue playing to break the tie, but after three more attempts, they keep drawing, but Cassandra and Fedor got bored of watching them tie, so they take them off the table and ask to play them, and they draw, so they decide to make crosses: Patrick and Cassandra against Jane and Fedor. When they start playing, Fedor makes a goal, and Jane gets very happy, so I give her a kiss and a hug, a question that makes Patrick jealous, since I had not seen Jane being so loving with someone before. After a couple of minutes, Patrick makes a goal, and Cassandra gives him the five and they do a victory dance. Throughout the game, the boys go hand in hand, when Fedor or Jane make a goal, Cassandra and Patrick also, but in the end, Fedor ends up putting the winning goal for them, a situation that angered Patrick, but he let it go until Jane and Fedor jump embracing celebrating that they won, so Patrick proposes a rematch in the dance dance revolution, but Fedor and Cassandra were already a little tired and wanted to leave, although Jane and Patrick wanted to continue playing, so they went for some chips and chose the song that at the moment joins them "everybody dance now", but both made the same score, so they try again while Cassandra and Fedor look at them bored wanting to leave. After a while, Katherine goes to look for them to leave, but Jane and Patrick were still tied, so while they are leaving, Patrick says:

- This does not stay here! I want my revenge -

While they go to the parking lot to leave, Katherine decides to go to the bathroom before, while the 4 wait outside, but at the minute, Cassandra proposes everyone to hide as a joke for Katherine, idea that Fedor and Jane reject, while Patrick accepts, as well When Jane sees that Patrick wants to do it, Jane changes her mind and says yes, but Fedor convinces her to keep waiting, and Patrick changes his mind and tells Cassandra not to, so They sit still waiting for Katherine to come out of the bathroom. 5 minutes later they all go to the parking lot and Katherine takes everyone to her house, when they arrive, Alice invites the 4 to her house to have a snack, and since the dinners are always at Katherine's house, for Jane it was the first time I went to Patrick's house. While they're having tea, Fedor wanted to put Maple's honey in his milkshake, so he asks Alice if it's enough, but since Cassandra had already stepped on that house several times, she knew where things were, and she offers to go get the honey. from maple to the kitchen. That made Jane quite jealous, because Jane's other friend already knew the house better than she did and felt that she was just getting to know Patrick.

At about 7 p.m., Fedor's mother, Marina, arrives to take Fedor home, a strange woman, but because of education none of the boys said anything and they said goodbye to Fedor. When Fedor left, the boys laughed in complicity and said:

- Poor Fedor the mother who touched him -

They finish their picnic and start watching the cartoons. Jane and Cassandra sit side by side because they were already starting to get along, but Patrick decides to sit next to Cassandra, so Jane changes places and sits next to Patrick, so Patrick is in the middle. The drawings begin and at one point Patrick shakes hands with Cassandra, so Jane gets jealous and wanted to leave, but Cassandra's mom arrives to take her home, and Jane says it should be time to leave, but Patrick He asks her to stay a while longer until the drawings finish. Even though it was late, Alice gives Jane permission to stay and proposes to the boys to make a sleepover. Both accept but Jane cares for her mom, so Alice reassures her and says:

- Quiet Jane, while you finish watching the cartoons, I talk to your mother and I go to your house for a pajama and your things so you can stay here, do you think? -

Both were very happy and kept looking at the drawings, Alice goes to Katherine's house to ask for permission and Katherine accepts that every time Jane and Patrick fought, Katherine suffered a lot, and seeing that they get along was something that Katherine was very grateful for. After a few minutes, Alice returns to her house with Jane's things, and observes that the boys fell asleep in front of the TV on. It was the most tender thing that Alice had seen, so it was very difficult for them to wake him up, so before doing it he stayed for a while watching them: Patrick hugged Jane with his left arm, while holding his right hand in Jane's lap , and she was with her head resting on Patrick's left shoulder while she had her right hand in Patrick's lap. That image so moved Alice that she was forced to call Jonah to wake them up and take them to the room, but Jonah could not, so she told Alice to hold on to Jane with her arms, while he took Patrick away. His and climbed the stairs to take them to the room. 5 minutes later, Patrick realizes that he fell asleep and as he thought he was on the sofa, he starts to look around and realizes that he is in the room, so he watches Jane for a few seconds, until he sees her. She wakes up, but confused, so she says:

- We are in my room, apparently we fell asleep downstairs, welcome to my room Jane -.

They both look at each other and smile, and Jane says:

- Good evening Patrick, rest well and dream beautiful things -

Patrick looks at her, smiles, appreciates Jane's words and says:

- Thank you very much Jane, that you rest very well, too, until tomorrow, and with dreams of everything you like -

At that time they will go to sleep happy and wishing that they return to share more moments like these and they feel that their life is being next to each other, so the way they see their future, begins to fall apart, they knew that they would have They make many difficult decisions that will put their friendship to the test, but still wanted to try it.

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