Kisses that embrace destiny

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One year after Jane's first competition and the first game of Patrick, Jane begins the primary at Donil School, school he goes Patrick, who is not yet very well, both remain residues from the episode of the Katherine home dinner, but anyway, they do not cross much since they are not on the same level, Jane is two more girl years, so it is newly in, and Patrick, in third, but in the recreates are in the same patio, so they do not have left to see. Neither Jane nor to Patrick like this, because they have enough with the family dinners, in which they are completely unknown.

Anyway, both are ignored, as if they were not known, and thus survive to this bad time, but things change when Carlton arrives to search for them, because Patrick's parents could not go through the and Carlton offered to go through both: Carlton saw that the word did not go and did not continue the trip back until they do not fix things. For Carlton, that problem at dinner was fixed, but he realized that he did not, and he could not understand that they will still be bad for that, so he retreated them with a few truths:

- Are you still angry for that dinner in our house? Or did it happen more than I should learn in order for you to not talk to? Because if it is the first, let me tell you that they are crazy, neither the adults are both resentful, fewer children. Both are in primary, so they should act as large children, so until they do not change that face and ask for forgiveness, I'm going to stay here to stand you and we are going to go until they reconclude, did you understand me? -

After a few minutes, the boys realize that Carlton spoke inscio, so both seized apologies and presented as if they were happy, they know: Patrick:

- I'm so sorry, I was excited by my first game and wanted to talk. It was a nonsense - Jane: - I'm so sorry too. Like you were excited about my first competition and I wanted to tell everyone - both with the head accepting the apologies, they look at, they smile and unisoned say:

Jane: - I'm Jane, gladly, you are? ... -

Patrick: - I'm Patrick, much taste, are you? ... -

They both laugh for talking to the same time and as Carlton sees that they already fixed says:

- Well, now, they were reconcilified, we can leave, are we going? -

Aw the three are heading towards the car, be uploaded, start the trip, Carlton turns on the radio, listening to "Everybody Dance Now" and Jane and Patrick begin to sing and dance with the tape. Ends the song, Carlton arrives at a traffic light, looks at ourselves strange and question:  

- What was that boys? What just happened? -

As the boys seemed very popular that song, they could not believe that he had someone who did not know it, so Jane and Patrick looked at the face of missed as saying. This boy where he left?, And Patrick, before Carlton's answers responds:

- You who are? Where did you get out of Does inscience don't know the song? Your brother is very rare Jane -

Jane just as surprised responds: - You're right Patrick, I do not know my brother, I think that the aliens did, and do not you know this song brother? "It's" Everybody Dance Now, "it's impossible not to sing it when you go in the car -

Carlton, before your effusive answers and your strangeness answers:

- Good! Forgot boys! I'm sorry to know it -

At that time, the traffic light changes to green and the three continues the trip. Half hour later they arrive at destination, leave Patrick and Jane say goodbye to it:

- Goodbye Patrick! Good luck! -

Patrick, so as not to be less answer: - Thank Jane! Luck for you too! See you at night! Goodbye! -

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