A year more life

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Sunday morning, the sun began to appear in the neighborhood of Londerton, a sun that shone bright, giving an indication of a beautiful day, a ray of sunlight enters through the window of Patrick, lighting the face of Patrick insistently and annoyingly. The anxiety to start the day made him jump out of his bed as if it were Christmas, hoping to open the gifts that they would give him for his ninth birthday, but nobody had awakened yet, it was too early to get out of bed, so Patrick closed the door. blinds so that light does not come in and tries to continue sleeping but can not, so she gets out of her bed and goes to her parents' room to jump on them and wake them up in the heaviest possible way, with noise and the whole party thing.

Alice and Jonas awaken cranky to have the little tick jumping up, but instantly see the calendar they have on their bedside table and Patrick Patrick to hang and be able to crush him, kiss him, and hug him as much as possible, until Patrick gives up and asks for clemency, Alice and Jonas get out of bed and go to the closet to go in search of the birthday gift for the smallest of the Lauzon Chouinards. Patrick surprised to see the huge box that his parents have in his hands, he sketches a great smile of happiness, when he opens it, he can not help but get excited: his parents gave him the official hockey stick of the Golden Maples Leafs, together with the set team official, an album, some professional hockey skates of his size, a helmet that combined with the stick and safety equipment such as knee pads, elbow pads and those things to use when going to play a game.

Patrick, embarrassed by everything he had received, stood on the bed of his parents and began to jump without stopping bouncing with joy flying to hug his parents and thank him for the gifts. A few minutes later, Alice and Jonas began to feel hungry, so they accompanied Patrick to the bedroom to bring him the gifts since he just could not do everything and they started to change to come down for breakfast as a family. Meanwhile Patrick, he stayed for a couple of minutes watching his gifts, watching and hugging the hockey stick with the black and white striped handle, perfect luster, stroking the team shirt and trying poses in front of the mirror with the helmet on and the hockey stick in his hand. Minutes later his brothers woke up with those who had not spoken to him since the event, but anyway they went to his room and wished him happy birthday with a handshake that had hidden a small gift for Patrick: a hanging locket with I said that I had a picture of the three brothers playing together.

After a few minutes, Patrick came down to breakfast and found a table full of the food he liked the most. Alice really was inspired so she prepared everything she likes: Hot cakes, Waffles, French toast, Poached eggs and the condiments that Patrick likes to accompany the dishes: A can of maple syrup from the special reserve that only Alice She knows the hiding place for hotcakes, a homemade jam of strawberries and philadelphia cheese for French toast, and a bottle of nutella for Waffles. He also prepared orange juice, chocolate milk and strawberry yogurt to drink. There was nothing missing from that table, it was everything Patrick likes, so I know avalanzò on the table super excited, filled his plate to the top and began to eat voraciously, as if it had been a long time since the last time he did not try bite.

5 minutes later, the phone starts ringing, the most tedious part for Patrick on his birthday, since he knew they were family calls to congratulate him on his birthday, so he filled his mouth to not attend and Alice He picked up Jane's call. Patrick surprised, begins to swallow as fast as he can to answer, as he waited anxiously for Jane's congratulations and began to talk with her for a long time to tell him about the gifts he had received and the celebration he was going to do with a couple of Friends in the bowling center of the city. Jane says goodbye since she had not dressed or eaten breakfast before calling him and was hungry. Both cut and continued breakfast.

After lunch, Jane knocked on the door of Patrick's house to greet him for his birthday and give him the gift because he could not go to the celebration because of a tournament at that time. Patrick hugged her, thanked her for visiting her and as he looked into her eyes he began to open the gift: a photo of Matthew Morrison, the captain of the Golden Maple Leafs, with a player's autograph and a dedication addressed to Patrick, that Jane I had managed a few days before thanks to Fedor, who despite having a very rare mother, knows the player since childhood, because like Patrick had problems with the turns and gave him a couple of classes when I joined the team, so as soon as Jane knew that, she took the chance to meet Fedor's mom and as soon as she got in trust with her, she asked him for that favor. At that moment Jane felt disgusting, as if committing a crime, but Patrick, because he already knew enough and knew that Mathew was always Patrick's favorite player. Patrick drew a giant smile on his face, as never before in his life, coemnzò to do a dance of victory and to run throughout the house of the joy that he had to receive the best gift of all for him. His parents gifts were incredible, but without a doubt, Jane's gift surpasses any gift that they have given him before and that they will give him later.

Excited to have the autograph of his idol, of his hockey icon, Patrick looked at Jane and nevolviò with his arms tightly in a hug so tight that he almost did not let her breathe and began to jump with her for several seconds, while Jane, With the little air I could receive, I asked him to please release it as he had to leave. Patrick delayed in realizing that he was overwhelming Jane with his emotion, so he apologized and thanked him for the gift, then Jane kissed him on the cheek and a hug to say goodbye and be able to return home to prepare for the tournament , but Patrick wanted to turn the other cheek and ended up giving himself a little kiss in the mouth. Embarrassed, Patrick forgot to close the door and ran to the kitchen, while Jane left and ran home. For Patrick, this was his best birthday, even if something bad happened in bowling, it did not matter, nothing could ruin what he had already experienced that day. It could only be better if Jane were at the party.

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