A New Route To Travel

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Both Jane and Patrick dream of doing what they like the most: she loves to dance and loves to play hockey. they also have their families in common, but the passion they put into what they do prevents them from seeing reality, so they do not realize that ambition and desire to be the best in their areas, is the key to reach to do great things together. Being close is like they are far apart. They are very talented in what they do but Together they are pure dynamite although they have not yet found that common point that unifies them, but when they discover it their world will change without being noticed, and their lives will change forever and everything you dream and desire will go to the background, but for the moment they will have new adventures separately.

After repeating daily the routine of watching his daughter dance behind the door of his room, Katherine decides to start the campaign and find out about a private teacher who gives dance lessons to her daughter at home, since she does not have time to take her to an academy, but after his unsuccessful search, he decides to go to Jane's room and tell her what happened:

Katherine: - Hi, little daughter, can I talk to you little one?-

Jane: - Of course, Mommy, but why? I did something wrong? -

Katherine, with a fake bad face says: Of course not beautiful! Is there something I should know about?

With a surprised face Jane says: - Nooo! Not at all-

Katherine sighs and says: - It's fine! ... I'm going to pretend that I believe you -

Jane: - That good! Did something happen Mommy? -

Katherine: - No, little daughter! nothing bad happened ... it's just that I want to tell you something I do every day -

Jane hug your mother and says: - Tell me Mommy, what is it about? -

Katherine: - every day when you get home after kindergarten, I listen to classical music that comes out of your room and watched you dance behind the door... -

Jane: - Sorry ma! Do I make a lot of noise? Do I put the music too high? -

Katherine: - No, little daughter! nothing happens, there's nothing wrong with that ... in fact it's my favorite activity of the day, I love it! -

Jane: - Really?

Katherine: - in fact, I love it! I love watching you dance and I see you so beautiful and happy that -

Jane: - Thanks mom!, I love you mommy! -

Katherine: - You are super talented, could you dance for me? -

Jane: - It will be a pleasure! What would you like me to interpret? -

Katherine: - mmm... Let's see! let me see! let me think! How about the Swan Lake? -

Jane: - Of course, yes, Mommy! In fact, the Swan Lake is my favorite since we went to see the concert with the classmates and the teacher, I am obsessed with that work -

Jane immediately proceeds to turn on the stereo, selects the song, goes to the center of the room, poses and starts dancing. Minutes later the routine ends, he greets his mother with praise, as if he were a public in a theater full of people, Katherine in turn applauds euphorically as if it were really that she is watching ballet in an auditorium. Jane goes to turn off the stereo, Katherine gets out of bed and hug tightly for several seconds, then he sits down again and asks Jane how she feels on her lap, Jane obeys and Katherine says:

- Do I tell you something? ... every time I see you dancing behind the door I see how you enjoy, I see how much you like it, I see you very happy and therefore that makes me very happy, that's why I was looking for a private teacher who can come home to give you a couple of classes a week, but the truth is that I have not found any, so I was finding out about academies, and I found some that maybe you might like, but the reality is that at the moment I can not, I work many hours, there are your brothers who also have their activities and someone has to take them, I also work away from home and it takes me a long time, but although I can not promise anything, I will try to fix some things at work so I can take you to ballet, not now, but maybe later -

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