Embracing the path to a possible new destination

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Excited with their new activities of their routine, Jane and Patrick could not stop thinking about their futures. Each new step that Jane learned was made in the day of the day for the McCormick Dubreuil family, his routine was to go from school to his house, then to the ballet and return to his house to show all his family the new step he learned in classes. For Patrick, it was more or less similar, from school home, then to skate, and get home to bathe, because unlike Jane, due to disasters caused a few months ago at home, the condition that his parents had put him to be able to continue to school, was that he had to be calm. After a while, Jane was moving very well in his classes, that his teacher offers the possibility of starting practicing with the team of competences, because he had a lot of talent and the teacher felt that if he continued with that group, he could not move forward. Jane loved the idea, but I knew that in being that would involve more commitment to his family, because his mother would have to travel with her to each place to be competed and would have to make the suits for routines, but anyway, waiting for his mother to say no, told him about the proposal and Katherine Le.

He said I could not go to the competencies with them, but if they make the costumes. Anyway, his brother Carlton offered to accompany them in the tournaments, and without thinking about Katherine met with the teacher to fix the schedules, since he would not coinge with Payton's time and he would have to fix her who took it. Anyway, as the trials of the trials coincided with the time in which Payton will teach the club, he would continue to let go with it, but he would have more training hours so he would go with Jonas that he goes to look for him after he comes from working.

Meanwhile, Patrick would continue to continue normally, but I would add more hours of training since I would start approaching what he likes the most: Hockey. Patrick had already learned basic movements that would allow him to play hockey, so Alice and Jonah decided to write it in the same club to the hockey classes, what was not expected, was that the movements he learned, with hockey's skates are made differently, so he was a little cost of a suitable, but after a few years he managed it and began to bathe and make trajectories with the disc and in a month he would be playing his friendly first match against Ildon, school that I was Jane, but she was in the city of Quereal by playing in his first dance competition in a group routine and a soloist.

After competing for the first time and win the first prize as a group and the third as a soloist, the Jane professor decides to make a celebration with all his students on a disc of the skills on wheels, and when the party began, Jane put the skates, but it was not successful, but I was trying, more it fell, so it became frustrated and called his mom to return home. When his mother was going to look, they went up to the car, Jane told her what happened and Katherine said:

- Do not cry for that, you are good dancing and you are good in a lot of things, but you can not be good at all, there are times that no matter how much you try, but sooner or later you will leave. Let not do it! Upper that encouragement! You will leave him well. Why do not you better go back? And if you do not try, have fun with your friends, observe those who do well, and maybe you can learn from them, as you do with the ballet -

Jane with a positive smile you answer:

- You're mammal, I'm going to stay and I'm going to see them because I fell so many times that hurts everything -

Katherine: - Thus talk about! Well done! The best decision you could have taken! I just am staying here until I finish, do you think? -

Jane: - Thank you! I want you! -

Jane returns to the party, sits next to his partner Danielle that was also frustrated for not having able to skate, so both begin to chat and they entertained both among them who did not realize that they had already been all of themselves, so Danielle and Jane bow to go with Katherine since it had been expected, and they wait for meetings to the Danielle's parents. During that wait, Katherine wanting to know Jane's friend asking:

- Do you have much known to know? -

Danielle worried because they did not reach their parents tells him: - In fact we just met, we got to talk because we could not skate and we were spent time - at that time the Danielle's Papas arrive and they presented to Katherine and say:

- gladly! My name is Alexis and my wife is Piper, we are Danielle's Papas. Thanks for waiting ... -

Katherine seeing that they did not know their name is presented and says:

- gladly for me too! I am Katherine, Jane's mom -

To say goodbye, Alexis answered Katherine and then asked Jane:

- Thank you very much for every miss Katherine, was a pleasure. How about the passion passed? -

Jane: - None of the two knew about the skates but we were able to conversate quite and know each other -

The Daplele and Katherine dads greet him, they say goodbye, and each one goes to his car. They go every one to their houses and meanwhile, Patrick comes back from his first game that came out tied, but equal was very excited to have played, so at night, when Jane's family and Patrick's family gather for dinner and talk about what they did in the day, Patrick gets very eager and wants to be the first to talk, but Jane was also very excited and both wanted to talk, so Jane bothers with Patrick to interrupt it and not let her talk, and Patrick equal, then seeing that they do not decide, the parents decide not to let them speak, and Jane runs angry to his room and Patrick has been crossed with arms looking at the floor. That was officially his third communication, 5 months after the first, although the kisses and hugs among them do not delay to arrive.

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