Clouds of grey

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To Elijah, everything in the spirit world looked strangely distorted, like in dreams.  

Lexi noticed that he surely didn't know his way around, but he was a fast learner.

The shamans had been alarmed that Elijah had crossed to the spirit world and immediately  relayed the message to their coven that he was there. Alexander heard the whispering and he told now Lexi that they had to move very fast away from their current place.

And so for the time being they needed to lay low.

In New Orleans

Having heard the commotion, Elena woke up and walked down to see what was going on. 

Caroline had the doors opened and immediately the mud slinging match had ensued as she saw Katherine at the door. Matt just stood there watching amused how they exchanged smart comments. Kol did the same.

"What is going on here?"- Elena said automatically although she could hear every word that had been said. And before she could say anything, a drunken Damon appeared, as if he knew that the day would bring more excitement. He passed by a very furious Katherine and entered the house. "Come in"- he said and as Katherine wanted to come in she got blocked.

" doesn't work!"- Damon said- "looks like Elijah had put a no-Katherine pass! Guess, you will not be entering." 

"Like I need you lot... This little vampire here got lost so I just showed him the way around the world...He wanted to say hi, so we can be on our merry way."

"Yeah, right!"- Damon said- "you were left out of the loop...why don't you go back and live your sweet little life in Mystic Falls...You thought you could play good small town girl and everything will be in order!"

"I didn't hear you complain when we had a go at domestic life the other many times was it? The sofa, the kitchen table, the bathroom- it was a hot shower...a bath...bedroom..."

Kol was extremely amused looking at Damon squirm.  

Elena rolled her eyes, but it didn't surprise her one bit.

"What?"- Damon now shouted- "it was just least Katherine is good at it...what's a guy to do!"

"Stop it now!"- Sophie joined the theatre- she then looked at Elena- "invite them in or don't but-can I work in some kind of peace, please?!"

"So, Elijah passed all his authorities to you!"- Kol stated. 

"Matt, come in!"- Elena said and looked at Katherine with eyes that said- 'I don't trust you'- and she received the message loud and clear.

"As I said- like I need you lot!"- and she walked away and Caroline slammed the door behind her. 

Then she got on Matt's case about him and Katherine.

Sophie returned to her reading and the rest of the house to the yard. 

"So, Damon, you had a really good night with Katherine? Fire, isn't she?!"- Kol said to Damon, who now looked surprised at him. 

"Yeah, had a momentary affair thing...she thought she could worm her way in, so I work on Klaus on her know what Katherine is like...but...I was hot for her, so... word is you were once very much in love with her?!"- Kol smirked. 

Damon knew that he would not be able to be in the same house with any of the Originals, except for Rebekah, so he opted to leave the house and find alternative accomodation.

In England, Stefan and Rebekah made their way immediately to Burnham, which was a picturesque market town. 

Stefan hadn't been in England since the WWII and his memories seemed to occupy him whereas Rebekah read what Sophie had given her while Stefan drove. 

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