The dawning

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Daybreak found Elena and Elijah boarding the flight to New Orleans. He told her exactly what he did for Sophie's sister.

"Marcel was taught by Klaus... and he learned to be vicious and cruel- and I ccouldn't have him terrorize witches whose ancestor found the potion that was to save Katherine and you!" 

"Really... Sophie's ancestor?!... didn't trust her?!" 

"It's important to always be one step ahead... and...I have learnt that no matter how trustworthy someone says or shows he/she is. Levearage is still the most effective thing"- he sighed now- "we always get back at that!" 

"I'm sorry"- Elena said. 

"I want to change all this...already after the Ball... it was so clear to  me that I...actually Esther pointed that out...I thought I was in many ways noble...but it wasn't so... I had already enclosed you in my heart...yet I had no problem to put you through fear." 

"I thought we talked that through...why are you getting back at that" 

"Because it still pains me"- he said, then he continued-"Klaus killed the witch who made the potion... they don't know that. I also made sure that the witche's son was safely transported to the New New Orleans!" 

Elena couldn't believe what she was hearing.  

"Are there any coincidences, really?"- she said. 

"No, Elena. I don't believe there are! At least not in our world. Klaus has a Hunding gene in him!"- he shared now all. 

"It's about revenge then?!"- Elena said. 

"Most probably!"- Elijah said- "I've also been thinking that the appearance of a third doppelganger is for a particular reason too! It came to me when I was standing in front of the caves when you found me." 

"Did your mother say something?" 

"Just about the Hunding...some of it... we will find more. I shouldn't have allowed Sophie do the spell." 

"You knew about the spell?" 

"She had mentioned something about it... and I thought it was best. Even without Klaus they could have continued breeding." 

"I don't regret it... look what I can do now... and finally I can fight and it feels good!" 

"That is how I felt when I first turned. That rush that nothing and noone could harm you anymore... the feeling of being invicible! That can corupt you in no time." 

"Power..."- Elena said. 

"It must be that special gift of compassion that you have got that is keeping the vampire blood balanced!"- he concluded. 

"I guess..."- Elena now put her head on his arm. She was tired. 

"Sleep... we still have an hour or so till we land!" 

She made herself comfortable and closed her eyes.  


Matt and Caroline found themselves in her car kissing one another after a hot night of dancing, partying heavy and unexpected sex.  

"This was the best night I had in years."- he looked at her with eyes still full of pleasure. 

" are sooo...different."- she moved away from him and sitting down on the seat. 

"You've always been hot, Caroline,... and I so wanted to be with you but without all that emotional stuff" 

"We had sex before, but this...was really good. I seriously don't get what had happened cos you've just transitioned and you're behaving like you are months old vampire" 

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