Between the drinks and subtle things

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In Mystic Falls, Katherine went to the Boarding House and found it was locked. 

She couldn't believe that they had left. 

"They hate me so much!..."- she stated. But being Katherine, she never gave up on something she wanted, and she wasn't doing it now. 

It was time to call upon her spies.

In New Orlean, the night passed in preparations, Sophie studied the  Grimoire, and Kol was right there, helping her as he was well versed in Old norse. 

Stefan and Damon mused over the whole situation and how things have turned around. Then Damon, being Damon felt the house to enjoy the New Orleans night life. 

Jeremy went to sleep, as he was still human and needed the precious sleep. 

Rebekah showed him his room. Caroline was amusing Jane-Anne with stories from Mystic Falls. 

Elena and Elijah got ready to return to the HQ.

"Ready?"- he said as she brushed her long hair with her fingers. 

She sighed- "I guess I am."- she looked at him with a horrible anxitey that beseted on her. 

She then walked over to him- "I will never forget this! Who I am and what I want... it's like all came together... I feel so real, so secure, so like this is IT... I never thought I could feel like this... I don't know how to describe it..!" 

"You don't have to...I felt it...we felt it!"- he said caressing her face. 

"That is why you have to come back...I don't ever want to be without you!" 

"You won't! I assure you!"- he kissed her now. He knew that she was tough and could withstand anything, but parting will be a sweet sorrow.

Finally, as they returned Stefan and Rebekah could be on their way. 

Each of them had a moment with the other. Elijah forgave Rebekah for not having listened to him. He wished her a farewell.

"This family never stops with surprises...but you are my brother and I love you like one!"- she wanted him to know. They hugged. 

"Thank you, Rebekah!"

Caroline said her goodbyes to Stefan, as did Elena, and the two women went to the yard. Elijah could hear the commotion in the kitchen and he made his way to there.

"Where were you?"- Caroline wanted to know. 

"We...went to talk!" 

"Really?" - Caoline looked at her friend not believing her. In actual fact she could smell Elijah's scent all over Elena.

Elena motioned to Caroline that she doesn't want to discuss anything because they could be heard. 

"I've asked Jane-Anne if she knew that spell Es... and the study is that kind of a room!" 

And so they got into the study as Caroline wanted to know what went off, since she looked kind a happy. 

"The talk must have been so great!" 


" did had was it?"- Caroline's eyes got wide open. 

"Just... all that I ever thought that making love is... it was amazing!" 

Elena said and her face smiled when she thought of it. 

"You really totally are into him! 

"Into him ...?! I love him ...yes really totally!"...then she gulped as she remembered that in the morning they are going to an unknown location where Sophie will kill Elijah and send him to the spirit world. 

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