Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

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Poem #5


Here Today, Gone Tomorrow.


I am just a circus clown.

Painted with rainbow ink, my inner self drowns.

I never let your face frown.

Fascinating you with my awesome tricks.

Providing balloons of different colors for you to pick!

Juggling things, accommodating you with animals filled with air.

The little children smile and stare.

I see the joy in their eyes; they appreciate me...

For the happiness I provide to others, they are proud of me.

My weird laughs, the jokes I play, squirting liquid at peoples' face!

No one can trace why I picked this job, the children already know, it's a source of enjoyment.

Pranks and jokes are my ointment!

The grown-ups and teenagers just don't get it.

"Don't be like that when you get older", they tell everyone.

They think I'm a joke, a fake, but don't I count as a "someone"?

They spit in my eyes, expecting me to flee.

The paint smears and the tears join them as I silently weep.

Sometimes I'm looked at in disgust, for I'm a fool, a pest, a complete and total jest.

Nevertheless the fame for my "title" comes from the circus.

Being serious was never my purpose.

I'm weird, kind, and pretty darn fun, making your visit here 10 times more fun!!!

Squeaking sounds from my rudolph red nose.

Lightning up eyes as they come to watch the show.

Tonnes of people come from out of town.

I feel like a king except without a crown.

When the people leave, I giggle as I mumble my "byes".

No one saw the truth behind this big white mask of lies.

Here today, gone tomorrow;

I'm just another circus clown filled with sorrow.



This poem is dedicated to those of you who are misunderstood in life and are expected to be something specific. Well, you are all full of surprises! People who want you to act "specifically" know nothing about you, so go surprise them, they might like that true you better!

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