You must know about unlondon

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Jack leads them to other room where are documents about the blueprints, maps, and the names of monsters. He getting it to show them his documents.
Jack:" Here you go, I got all these information you need."
Asgore:" Oh golly, how you manage to get all these information."
Jack:" I sneak into the outpost to steal their infomation that everything about here."
He gets all his details to them to read it. Everyone seems interested it.
Matthew:" Wow...( whistle) that's a lot of resources to build this place."
Sans:" You said it, bud. There also the names of those guys that wanted us killed. And these pictures too."
Papyrus:" These words are complicated to me. I should've study more of school lessons."
Undyne was reading a file about "police freak" called Bobby.
Undyne:" Bobby? What kind a name is that?"
Jack:" It's the name of Victoria era british policeman. Those guys are easy to kill if you just gunned them down."
Undyne:" And what about their faces that were wrapped in bandages?"
Jack was silence for 1 minute to think of it. Then he spoke out.
Jack:" Their faces were covered is because they have no eyes, only a mouth."
Everyone heard was horrified and disguisted.
Undyne:" What! Ugh... I don't want to heard it."
Jack:" Yep... It is disguisted. He create them, they'll obey every words to their master."
Mattew:" Hmm... This one is look like "Bobbies" but different uniforms?"
Jack:" Those guys are called Dark soldiers, those freaks are wearing a nazi uniforms except they don't wear a armband. There's also an elites and snipers if you guys encounter them."
Matthew:" Oh great, a nazi zombies are part of this town. Guess we're going to kill every last one of them."
Sans:" At least, they lost a war from the history lesson I read."
Alphys:" Uh, M-Mr. Jack, what about that giant monster that we dodge it?"
Jack:" Oh that's The Big Guy's, there are strong and scary monster that ever encountered. They're roaming around the town to see any intruders like you guys."
Everyone listened what he said about The Big Guy's.
Undyne:" Big Guy's huh? Well, they will see me beating up their butts and make them scared to me. Fufufufufu!"
Jack:" Oh Undyne, not only that, they are 3 types of Big Guy's. The one you encounter is a knight type, it used chainsaw and hook, the enforcer type used a hand-minigun and a chainsaw, and the plague crow used a hand-flamethrower and a driller. Those guys are hard to kill, mates. Even you don't have magic anymore you might die easily."
Everyone stay silence and thinking that if they encounter them again they have to prepare themselves. After reading all informations, they need to rest and then continue rescueing Frisk and return home. Papyrus and Sans will sleep at the couches, Undyne and Alphys will sleep at the room, Matthew and Johnson will sleep at the other room and Toriel and Asgore will sleep at the bedroom that has one big bed for both of them. Toriel change her clothes which gives Asgore a blushed. They headed to bed and rest for tomorrow. They going to sleep until Asgore heard a Toriel's sniffed.
Asgore:" Tori, what's wrong?"
Toriel wrapped her tears and tell him about their child.
Toriel:" It's just... I miss my child, gorey. What something happen to her if we don't make it in time. What if he'll turn her into a horrible beast. What if we failed-"
She was continue to speak when Asgore embrace her to calm her down and gives her a shush.
Asgore:" Don't worry, tori. Frisk is a brave human she ever lived. She will survive and we will get her out of this horrible city. I promise that we will make it in time to survive and fight a way in to rescue our child. So don't think about it and forcus our task, okay tori."
She likes to heard his words that gives her strength and compassion. She is a determination.
Toriel:" You're right, guess I overreacted about this situation. Thank you, gorey."
She kissed him at his cheek, gives him a chuckle.
Asgore:" You're welcome, my queen. Goodnight Tori."
Toriel:" Goodnight Gorey."
They went to sleep and just before that, Toriel have a thought about her child.
Toriel:" Don't worry, Frisk. We will save you, I promise you."
Then she went to sleep with her husband.

At the next day, they woke up and went to dinner room where they waiting for their food. Jack came out the kitchen and gave them a meals at on the table. Jack sat down with the others and eat it.
Matthew:" Mmm... My mom used to cook this food."
Papyrus:" Then she is a great cook of your mom. Nyeh! Nyeh!Nyeh!"
Toriel:" This is so delicious, Jack. Where did you find this good food."
Jack:" Well, there's a small plastic bag that can turn a food powder into a real foods by putting a water on it."
Undyne:" Wow, you are lazy person as Sans."
Jack:" I just steal it from the outpost. They don't eat foods, they eat flesh meat which it is humans of course."
Everyone paused to just heard what he said. All people of unlondon eats a human's flesh makes them wanted to puke.
Johnson:" Oh God! Why they are all cannibalism in this freaking city."
Papyrus:" Uh, what's cannibalism?"
Sans:" It's too scary to heard it bro."
After they finish to eat, Jack leads them to other room where all weapons and items are stored.
Alphys:" O-Oh My God! That's a lot of weapons here."
Jack:" Yep, I stole-"
Undyne:" Yeah we get it already. Now, let's get these weapons to survive this city save our friend."
Johnson:" Alright then, get all weapons you can find."
Everyone went to take the weapons to their survival.
Toriel grab a copper pipes for something interesting.
Toriel:" Uh sir, why you get this pipe like this? Is it a weapon to use for attack?"
Jack:" It is if you need to fight in melee and block the attacks from the enemy."
While Jack explain to Toriel, Sans get a copper pipe and a pistol. Papyrus get a wrentch, a copper pipe and a pistol.
Undyne and Alphys to find any weapon they can find. Undyne gets a british rifle, a knife and a pistol while Alphys gets a pistol and a copper pipe they used.
Undyne seen her girlfriend scared about this city so she approach her to cheer her up.
Alphys:" U-Undyne, I don't know if I can fight. Maybe I don't worthy to use these weapons."
Undyne:" Don't worry, Alphys. I protect you from those disguisted things. They will have to get pass me before they get to you. Fufufufufufu!"
Alphys:" I- thank you, Undyne."
She smiled and blushed at the same time to be brave and fight for her friend. At meantime, Johnson and Matthew leave their weapons 'cause they don't have enough annumation to use it and there's nowhere to find it. So they'll get a new weapons to use it against them. Johnson get a german assault rifle, a sniper rifle, a knife and a pistol while Matthew gets a tommy gun, a british rifle, a wrentch and a revolver. He carry a tommy gun to reminds of mafia gangs used it in 19th century.
Matthew:" Sir, check this one. This gun was used for mafia gangs and it was a badass before."
Johnson:" Seriously? You wanted become a mafia gang? Then I have to arrest you if you do a serious crime."
Matthew:" Hahaha... Very funny, sir."
Johnson:" What? This old man don't want to make jokes for his friend."
Matthew:" That's not funny, sir."
They both laughing for his jokes. Asgore was thinking to use these weapons useful so he gets a revolver, a wrentch, and a german assault rifle. After they get their weapons, Jack gave them some grenades to use it wisely.
Jack:" Alright guys, you seems ready to save your child."
Asgore:" Yes. We are ready to save our child so we can go home peacefully."
Jack:" Well, it's too bad that there's no peacefully going out alive. And also, some of those guys can use those abilities to against you."
Johnson:" Wait, are you saying that some of them can use magic!"
Jack:" Magic? No, they don't use magic. They use plasmid bottle."
Alphys:" Plasmid bottle?"
Jack:" It gives you any abilities that can used when you drink it."
Everyone was listening when Matthew spoke out shocked.
Matthew:" I think I know what it looks like in this place. This is like game called Bioshock."
Everyone except Jack are dumbfounded to heard that word.
Jack:" Uh, excuse me. What is Bioshock?"
Matthew:" It's a game where you discover a dystopia city where everyone gone crazy and started to kill each other for power. The player need to survive to complete the mission to end the game."
Undyne:" Matthew, why you always thinking that game."
Johnson:" To be honest, it look like Bioshock referance to me."
Undyne:" CHIEF!"
Everyone just quiet to heard any more arkward conversation. After that, they stopped talking and continue their task.
Jack:" Okay... Let's get going but first, I'll get the plasmid bottles for you guys."
He went to the room to get the plasmid bottles and giving them each abilities bottles to others. They seems interested to see these bottles that can have an ability to fight against them.
Jack:" Okay guys. Now I give those bottles, let's go up there and go to the capitol."
They nodded it and headed to the city above to fight a way in. They are going to be a long time to get there.

At the capitol, Gentleman killer watching at the window to see a view of his city when two men came in of his office.
???: "So... They are here and they found our city."
Gentleman killer:" Yes, but they have to face my greatest creation if they wanted to survive."
???:" Bah! Those guys are going to die anyway. They have no magic to fight to defend themselves against our men."
Gentleman killer:" Yes, but they are filled with determination to keep forward and they're leader is her mother, Toriel."
The two men stepped out from the shadow. At the left side, he wears a top hat, a leatherbag on his head, a dark british clothes in 18th century and a black shoes. At the right side, he wears a dark hood, a white long-pointy nose of his mask and a dark robe. Gentleman killer turn his around to see those men and ask them a simple question.
Gentleman killer:" So boys, are you ready to face them with the powers I gave you?"
They both silence for the moment and then they spoke out a single word.

Jack the ripper & The Plague doctor:" Yes."

This story will be continue...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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