Welcome to UnLondon

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After they see a city that lives in underground for so long, the train stop at the train station. They get out of the train and start to explore.
Alphys:" H-How amazing, I didn't know that the city was here at above us of the surface. This is a lost history of humans."
Alphys take a picture at the city and then the big train station. As they enter it, they see a messing place of inside. The floor and the walls are dirty and old, the pipe are leaking, the papers are scattered around the floors and there's a poster on the wall says " The people wanted you!", they wondering of how they build this city at underground while there's a lot of cities and countries at the surface. They saw a windows to see what's outside only to see a big wall.
Matthew:" Man, it reminds me of Donald Trump build the wall at mexico border. I wonder why they build it?"
Sans:" Maybe because they don't want them to go out freely."
Undyne:" For what I see, it's a prison that keeps them in the cage."
Asgore:" It look just like we trapped in the underground at Mt. Ebott, but this is different."
Matthew:" Your right, this is a different place which people loves to keep secret from others. I'm wondering why it reminds me of?"
Toriel:" We don't have time to think about this place. We have to save Frisk from that monster!"
Johnson:" She's right, this place is new to us here. This city was belonging to british which they secretly went here and build this city during the World War 2 or something, I don't know? But anyway, he could be anywhere in this place and we don't want any folks get freaked out at us, so I want you guys to act natural. Got it?"
All:" Understood!"
They reach to the exit only to see each fences at the side that leads to the gate with a sign above says:" Welcome to UnLondon". They walked through the path 'till they stop at the front of the gate.
Papyrus:" This sign wanted to welcome us."
Sans:" I don't think so, paps. The humans lived here for so long, they will freak out and started to kil- hurt us."
Papyrus:" Nonsense. They will understand that we monsters are friendly to humans and convince them to go up to the surface."
Undyne:" I don't know, maybe Gentleman killer was live here and he could be hiding at each buildings we saw it."
Matthew:" You got the point, although I'm feeling like we are the first beings to enter here in this place. Now... how can we open it? I don't see a lever or a button here."
All at sudden, the gate was open so slowly. They paused of what just happen.
Papyrus:" See. They let us in. I knew they love us to enter their city."
Asgore:" Yeah... But where is everyone?"
Everyone can't find a single people there. They are nervous that it might something happen. Toriel was the first one to step in.
Asgore:" Tori, wait!"
They all entered the city, and then the gate was shut closed. Everyone are silence.
Matthew:" Well... There's no turning back now."
Toriel:" Yes... we should continue forward. But we keep at look out as we stumble a new world here."
They walking through the town which there's no one there. Undyne was walking with the others when she heard a clicking sound, coming from the rooftop.
Undyne:" Do you heard that?"
Sans:" Heard what?"
Undyne:" Sounded like a clicking sound, coming from the rooftop. I think we are being watched."
Johnson:" Capt. Undyne, it's probably nothing there. Maybe it's just a thing, you know."
Undyne:" I- sure, whatever..."
They continue walking at the city. Matthew has a thought that this place is a ghost town. They still walking until they stop for resting.
Matthew:" Sir... I think we lost."
Johnson:" I think your right, we wondering around this replica city only it's Victoria era version."
Toriel:" Maybe we should find a map around here somewhere."
Papyrus:" Or, why not ask a direction over there."
He pointed at a man carrying a wagon, walking slowly.
Johnson:" Ah! A human here. Maybe we should talk to him about this place."
Matthew:" I don't know. I got a bad feeling that talking a stranger here in this city is too... risky."
Asgore:" Why is that?"
Matthew:" Well, we're not live here. So there's no way to talk to that guy. They might freaked out of you guys. I mean, they don't know about your kind are live in the surface."
Asgore:" Maybe he was right, Papyrus. We don't want to bother him so let's just leave okay, Papyrus. Papyrus?"
Sans:" I think he's over there."
Everyone look at him walking towards a man carrying a wagon.
Undyne:" Oh, we're so dead."
Papyrus walks towards him to ask questions.
Papyrus:" Hello, human!"
A man paused, putting down a wagon.
Papyrus:" I, the great Papyrus, shall asking a directions to you. Do you know where we are?"
As he asking him, his friends runs towards him.
Sans:" Paps! Don't!"
Papyrus:" Nyeh?"
A man turning around and see a skeleton in front of him.
Male citizen:" A monster! Must kill!"
He put out his knife and started to kill him only he got shot in the head by Johnson.
Johnson:" Papyrus, are you all right!"
Papyrus:" W-W-Why did you shot this human! He was just freak out all at sudden! Why did you do it!"
Undyne look at dead body to see his face.
Undyne:"Uh... Papyrus, I don't think this human isn't a human."
They look at his face to see a horrorify one. His face was torn apart. His left eye was white as undead while the other is not, which it was sewed on his head. His mouth was wide open, showing his teeth. Everyone are horrorify to see it.
Matthew:" So... Not a human."
Undyne:" Not a human."
Alphys:" I can't believe it, these people are becoming... deceased. They seems like they've been here for a long time without food or drinks to survive."
Sans:" Okay. Let's not run into other folks like this bud. They may be hostile and they carry their weapons for time being."
Asgore walk to Papyrus which he was scared to see it.
Asgore:" I'm sorry to see this, but we have to go. Okay?"
Papyrus:" Yeah, Let's go then."
Asgore helped Johnson to hide the body before anyone seen it. They're now at the hostile land. They keep walking quietly until they heard a voice.
???:" Halt! Criminal!"
Everyone halt for a second, and then they turned around to see a person calling to us. He wears a british police uniform of Victoria era, A black boots, it has a police badge, and a hat. His face was wrapped up on black bandage and he's holding a copper pipe on his hand. When they heard said a criminal, they think he meant a man that Johnson shot him. Undyne stepped forward to reason on him.
Undyne:" Criminal? That man just almost kill my friend, you punk! It was a self-defense!"
But it wasn't response, then he say to her when he rushed her, attack with his copper pipe.
Bobby:" Halt! Stop where you are!"
He tried to hit her, but she punch him so hard it knocks him out at the ground.
Toriel:" Oh goodness! You just punch a police officer!"
Undyne:" Toriel, that policeman wasn't a human at all, just like that freak-face man. How human can see if they're faces are covered in bandage. And also, we are not alone here."
That's when they heard a multiple footsteps. It's like they're heading to them. A several of bobbies are here.
All bobbies:" Halt! Criminal!"
They're charged towards them. Matthew and Johnson use smg gun to gunned them down. They're so many of them, they can't stop them.
Johnson:" Guys! Now it's about time to use your magic attacks now!"
He yelled at them as they're getting closer.
Sans:" Don't worry, guys. I still can teleport us to get out of this mess."
He snapped his finger. But never happened. Sans was shocked.
Sans:" What? Why my magic isn't working!"
Undyne:" So do I, I can't bring out my spear or Asgore and Toriel can't bring out a trident and fireballs!"
Matthew:" We don't time for this! Everybody run!"
They're running away from the cops like they were criminals. A mysterious figuire was watching them from the rooftop to see them being chased from bobbies.
???:" Jesus Christ! I must save them before something bad happen to them."
He jump of the rooftop to save them.

Who is a mysterious man? Was he friendly or not? Will they manage to outrun the bobbies? This story will be continued...

Undertale: Welcome to Unlondon [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now