7: Death Is Only A Door.

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Yo peeps,

Hope you like it. And I saw someone that made me feel really inspired to finish this chapter... Even though the twist at the end is enough to make me cry! Oh man! I'm in tears! NO!. Awh. :'( Damn cliff hangers! Anyways, I hope you vote for this and I'm really thankful that all you guys read this story.


- Emma


The rain pounded on our heads as I tried to collect my thoughts - - I would be Mrs. Seaberg. We were engaged. I loved Jeff. Jeff. Jeff. and no one else. Not Matt, not some weird stranger, no one else.

"Hooooooooly shit balls, that was hot!" I heard my roommate shouting over the commotion around us. There were so many people watching us but neither of us could care! Some of them were shouting, some were smiling, and some were clapping. It was kind of interesting to see the mixed reaction. I stared down at my finger with the beautiful engagement ring on it. Even in the rain, it was shining brightly. It was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.

It was all mine... Jeff was mine and I was his. I couldn't ask for anything more.

But my eyes travelled across the rainy scene in front of me. Out of the building, there was a rather angry looking guy, storming towards us.


"Yeah, Aimee?" he said with a huge grin on his face.

"There's this guy coming towards us that's lookin' pretty angry..."

Jeff let go of me for a moment to turn around. He swore loudly over the pounding of the rain as he stared at the man.

But the crowd around us dispersed, sensing some sort of trouble. It was strange. It was just Jeff, this weird guy, and I.

"That's my boss."

"Dr. Seaberg!" he roared, "May I see you for a second in my office?"

Jeff laughed at this guy - almost like he was a boyscout that was poking a bear - it was like the little guy had no chance in ruining Jeff's mood. But, he stopped chuckling, "If you have anything to say to me, you can say it in front of my fiancée."

"Fine. You're fired."

I felt my blood begin to boil, "For what?"

The pointed-nosed man turned to glare at me, "I don't believe you were involved, Miss," he snapped.

"How about we take this elsewhere? Perhaps, my office, Sir."

Both men exchanged looks of displeasure at each other. The man I didn't know nodded and they both began walking. Jeff stopped for a moment and put his hand in mine, tugging me along until my legs started to work again. We walked by shocked students and faculty. We were back into the building.

My shoes squeaked against the polished linouleum floors as I walked next to Jeff.

>He can't fire you.

>>He can do whatever he damn well pleases, Aimee. But I knew that when I- I fully understood the consequences. Someone was going to find out eventually. We couldn't keep pushing it under the rug.

>He can't take your job. If anything, it's my fault. I seduced you! That's it!

>>You're insane.

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