Chapter 1: Amnesia

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Harley is the tatted guy above portrayed by Stephen James Hendry

-Athena's POV-

"Hey Athena are you ready to go?" I hear my mom ask me. I look at her. 

"Yeah give me a sec." I say standing up from my vanity. Today is my mom and dad's two year wedding anniversary and they are having a party for it. My date tonight is Aphrodite's friend Harley. 

"Alright. Be down in 5." She replies closing my door. I look at myself one last time in the mirror. I finally replaced it after busting it two years ago. 

Two years you've been gone. 

Two fucking years since I haven't seen you, heard from you, or even heard of you from others. 

Nobody dares to say your name around me. 

You are a fresh wound still. 

I step out of my room, and walk downstairs to see Harley and the others talking. He looks at me with a huge smile. He looks at me with the admiration in his eyes, that Andy used to have for me. 

I find myself thinking of him a lot throughout the day as the painful days drag on by. I want to be strong again. If I could go back to the day I met him, I would have just stayed in bed. Andy ruined me, and there's no changing that.

Harley excuses himself from the conversation with one of mom's friends, and makes his way over to me. 

"I knew that dress would look perfect on you." He says kissing my cheek. I link my arm through his, and we step out to the backyard where everyone sits or stands and conversates over a glass of whiskey, champagne, or wine. 

I'm twenty years old now. I live with my mom again, and here's why. 

About six months after the whole breakup, I finally got my company up and running successfully, so I moved out into Brooklyn's old house. One day the pain of Andy not being my boyfriend anymore caught up to me. 

It bothered me, the pain was so unbearable and I couldn't handle it anymore. 


I stand in my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, tears pouring down my face, with a point of there will be no end to them. The pain I feel right now is killing me. 

Andy is gone. He left me for someone else. I didn't make him as happy as he claimed I did. He never loved me the way he claimed he did. He told me that he would never leave me again. He told me he would stay by me forever.

He planned our whole entire future on a piece of paper that I still have. I keep on my dresser, for a reminder that whenever I am hurting I look at the paper. Some days it will help me because it takes me back to that day. 

The day in an alternative universe that you still loved me. A universe where everything on this paper and then some...actually comes true. 

I look down at my wrists, where the blood just pours from my arms. A bottle of pills sits next to the sink, calling my name to take them. 

They are speaking to me telling me that once I take them I will be happy. I will be relieved of this pain forever and I will no longer feel it, a place where I can smile, and never feel this horrid break. 

He was a wine glass that got chipped, and me? I was a rose that died when the water from the broken glass dried up, and didn't get refilled.

I decide that I will leave the pills alone. I step out my bedroom to the back patio where the pool sits. I stand at the edge of the pool, looking over the view of the mountains one last time before I can finally end it all. 

I can take away the pain. I take in a deep breath, then step into the pool. I let the water surround me as I sink to the bottom. Before long my eyes begin to droop, as I slowly go unconscious. 



My life had been saved that day, by my uncle Rye. He pulled me out of the swimming pool, and revived me before it was too late. For weeks months even, I was so pissed at him for it, but now I thank him for it, no matter how bad I hurt, I feel the pain subside more and more over the days. 

It still sits there, because its a reminder I'm human, and we all get hurt sometimes. Question is will it make us or break us? That's something we have to find out for ourselves.

Some days I just wish I could wake up with amnesia, because then I will forget why I am hurting so much. The pain will just end there, and I can restart.

Ever since that day that I tried to take my life I have been living back with mom and dad, because they fear I would try to do it again, and maybe I will. They decided that I needed to stay here, that way I can have around the clock supervision. 

Mom even made me start seeing a therapist. I go to the appointments but I never talk to him. I can't begin to explain what I feel, there's just no words for the way I feel. It's worse than someone sticking their hand in my chest and ripping my heart out.

It hurts more than being tied up, and a thousand people each slicing me open with their knives, then jamming a sword into my heart. I just don't want to feel this way. 

As soon as Harley and I step onto the back patio many people advert their eyes to us. "See. You're so stunning, that people are pausing their conversations just to look at you. Even your parents." Harley says to me. 

I look around the patio, where I see people that I love. Some people I don't know, but I bet by the end of the night I will know each of them in some way, and half of them will end up as contacts in my phone, and friends on all my social media. 

I force a smile at the people who are gazing at us, hoping that maybe I can forget whatever it is I am feeling, just for a night.

Harley squeezes my hand reassuring me things will be fine. I look around one more time, and that's when my eyes land on familiar bright blue ones. 

The ones that used to be so full of love, and admiration for me. And only me. 

SHATTERED/Andy FowlerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora