Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Ginny couldn't take her eye's off of Voldemort. How was it even possible?! He couldn't be back, he just couldn't. Ginny knew that when Harry found out he'd be furious and extremely confused. She couldn't even begin to imagine the impact that this would have on the Wizarding World. She could hear Taylor breathing furiously next to her. Ginny knew that she hated Voldemort after he had killed her parent's.

"It's you." Taylor spoke through gritted teeth.

"It is my dear Taylor. You are very like your parent's, they were just the same, meddling and utter idiots." Voldemort grinned menacingly at Taylor.

"Don't talk about my parents like that ever again you despicable human being!" Taylor yelled, struggling furiously in the seat that she was tied to.

"Shut up girl if you know what's best for you." Voldemort told her.

"Taylor be careful." Mattie warned her.

"How are you back? Harry finished you!" Ginny cried.

"Ah yes, Harry Potter, how I've longed to see him for many years. He'll be a lot older now, a lot easier to destroy."

"Don't you dare even touch him!" Ginny yelled.

"Now now Ginevra, don't get too defensive, you'll go down the same way." Voldemort smirked.

"I asked you a question!" Ginny told him.

"Ah yes, how am I here? Well I'm here for the same reason as your dear friend Colette. People in this world still need me." Voldemort shrugged, pacing back and forth across the room.

"Nobody in this world needs you! You should be in hell, not in heaven!" Taylor yelled.

"Oh my dear Taylor I am in hell. But I've been sent back for a while to help my dear son Elijah, it's a shame his Mother wasn't needed really. She'd love to see you Ginevra." Voldemort smirked.

"Like Harry would ever let her near Ginny!" Taylor yelled.

"Potter will turn up when he figures out where his dear wife is. He cares about you too much Ginevra, that's why we tortured you the first time."

"Harry's not that stupid!" Taylor cried.

"Yourself and Mr Windsor were." Voldemort turned on Taylor.

"Because we care about Ginny!" Mattie replied.

"Perhaps if we tortured you again Ginevra, Potter will know and he'll come to me" Voldemort grinned "Semeal, do the honours."

One of the Death Eaters that were stood in the room stepped forward and lifted his wand so that it was pointing straight at Ginny. Taylor began to yell and struggle furiously whilst Ginny prepared herself for what was coming. She cowered a little, waiting for the pain.

"No! Stop it! Leave her alone!" Taylor yelled.

As soon as the spell hit her Ginny yelled and yelled in pain. Every time Ginny knew she was going to be hit with the spell she tried to prepare herself for the pain, but nothing could ever prepare Ginny for the pain. It was unbearable, like she was being stabbed a thousand times. She just wanted it all to end.

"GINNY!" Taylor yelled, nearly forcing the chair that she was strapped to to topple over.

The pain ended soon enough and Ginny was now sat panting and wincing from the pain. She looked up at Voldemort and winced again.

"You can take the pain well Ginevra. You're very like your husband, brave but stupid." Voldemort sneered.

"You shouldn't be here! You aren't needed!" Taylor yelled.

"Thank you Taylor, now shut up." Voldemort clicked his fingers and the Death Eater stepped forward again and shot a stunning spell at Taylor. This caused her chair to fly backwards and she hit her head on the wall.

"No!" Mattie cried, looking over at Taylor in worry.

"Now that that is sorted, let's talk Ginevra. This over here is Scorpius Malfoy. I thought I might introduce you seeing as he is romantically involved with your daughter." Voldemort walked over to Scorpius and ran his ghostly finger down Scorpius' cheek.

"Don't touch him! He has nothing to do with this!" Ginny cried.

"Oh defensive. I thought that you would hate this boy Ginevra, he is a Malfoy after all." Voldemort turned to her.

"Of course not. I believe in my daughter and Scorpius isn't like his grandfather. Draco changed and brought him up to know better."

"Your daughter will be glad. She was oh so worried about telling you and Potter. He must be a very over protective father." Voldemort grinned.

"What do you want with me?" Ginny sighed, just trying to get to the point.

"You're just to lure Potter here. I have longed to see him for a while now." Voldemort told her.

"But you can't touch him, or kill him because you can't use magic, you're a ghost." Ginny replied.

"Ah yes but my Death Eaters can use magic Ginevra, and my son can. That is just a minor setback in our plan." Voldemort smirked.

"You won't get away with it." Ginny told him. Although she was doubtful. This time it seemed like the dark side was more prepared.

This time, Ginny knew that they were going to have to work harder.


I'm sorry! This is so short! I've hardly had any time to do any writing lately because I've been really busy!

Thank you all for reading and I'll try to update again soon!:)

Natalie xxx

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