Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Ginny hated the thought of war rising again in the Wizarding World. But unlike the Second Wizarding War, this war came too fast. It didn't feel like there was going to be a war. It came to suddenly and Ginny didn't like it. She didn't feel prepared like she did last time. She didn't feel that the entire Wizarding World were ready this time. The Death Eaters were well and truly winning this time.

"Why is it that we have to be right in the centre of both of the wars?" Harry sighed, sitting down and throwing the Daily Prophet down on to the Kitchen table.

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked. Harry pushed the newspaper across the table to her and Ginny gasped at the headline. It read, 'Is Harry Potter The Main Reason Why The Wizarding World Is In Danger?'

"Oh Harry, you can't listen to this. You weren't the reason last time!" Ginny told him firmly.

"But Voldemort killed all of them people to get to me. So technically it was." Harry sighed.

"We are not seriously doing this again are we?! How many times do we have to tell you that it isn't your fault Harry! Some of the people that Voldemort killed didn't even know you! When Voldemort was a large, War was inevitable. That's true and you can't deny it!" Ginny cried, standing up and grabbing a coffee mug out of the cupboard.

"Woah! Are we interrupting an argument?" Taylor walked into the Kitchen and sat down, quickly followed by Mattie.

"No Tay, we weren't arguing we were just talking about the war, that's all." Harry told her.

"Oh no. You weren't blaming yourself again were you Potter? You shouldn't even read the Prophet any way. It's a load of bullshit." Taylor told him.

Ginny gave Harry a pointed look as if to say 'I told you so'. He just shrugged and looked down at the table. Ginny just rolled her eye's and turned around to pour the newly boiled water.

"Harry Potter! Are you listening to me?!" Taylor cried, bringing her fist's down on the table.

"Yes Taylor! I'm listening to you! I just can't help but feel guilty!" Harry cried.

"Harry, we all feel guilt but you have to get over it. We are in danger. Our children are in danger! If you keep wallowing in self pity, then we're probably all going to die. Once again you're the best hope we have Harry and I know you hate it, but you can't change who you are!" Ginny turned around.

Harry looked at her for a moment and then sighed, running his hands through his hair as if to get it out of his face.

"And if we all keep arguing like this amongst ourselves then they're going to win." Mattie told them. Harry nodded as if agreeing with him. Mattie was right though. If they always disagreed with each other then they'd never win this war.

"You're right. I know you're all right, but what are we going to do? It's not like there's horcruxes this time." Harry told them.

"How do we know that? There could be. I think we'll have to do some digging, and besides, we still don't know who ETR is!" Ginny cried.

"Ginny's right, but I think we're going to have to call the one with the brains over." Taylor shrugged. Harry nodded and quickly produced a patronus. After Harry had spoken to it, it bounded out of the room.

"We do this all the time. When we don't know what to do, we call Hermione." Mattie laughed a little.

"It's because Hermione has all the answers. It's because Hermione-"

Deep Within The Soul (Book 2: Sequel to Perfectly Imperfect/ Ginny Weasley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now