Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Christmas. Ginny absolutely loved Christmas. It was a time for family a celebrating everything that had happened in the past year for Ginny. It was her favourite time of the year.

Ginny's Christmas started with Lily, James and Albus running into Ginny and Harry's room and jumping on the bed to wake them up. Even though James and Albus were now at Hogwarts, Ginny knew that they still got over excited on Christmas Day.

"Mum! Dad! Get up! Hurry up!" Lily cried, shaking the two.

"What time is it?" Harry groaned.

"Nine o'clock already!" Albus cried.

"Fine. We'll be up in a minute, go downstairs but don't touch a thing!" Ginny warned them. The three grinned then ran out of the room, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the house.

"Merry Christmas love." Harry smiled at Ginny.

"Merry Christmas." Ginny grinned.

"I love you, you know." Harry smiled, tucking a piece of stray hair behind Ginny's ear.

"I know, you tell me everyday, I love you too." Ginny laughed.

"Well you deserve to know everyday." Harry laughed.

"If you say so. I think we'd better go downstairs before James gets to impatient." Ginny sighed, sitting up and throwing her legs over the side of the bed so that she could get up.

"I think you're probably right." Harry answered, doing the same thing.

The two slowly made their way downstairs and into the sitting room where James, Albus and Lily were all sat around different piles of presents with their name's on them. James was shaking a medium sized present, trying to guess what was in it, whilst Lily sat rolling her eye's at him.

"James, you'll not guess it by shaking it." Ginny laughed as she sat down on the sofa next to Harry.

"I might do! I'm cleverer than you think Mum!" James protested.

"Whatever. You can open them now anyway because we're here." Ginny told them. She watched as all three of the children scrambled forward and began to rip open the wrapping paper on one of their presents.

"Thanks Mum! Thanks Dad!" James held up one of the presents that Harry and Ginny had bought for him.

"It's alright."


"Ginny! Harry! Kids! Come in! Oh, and merry christmas." Mrs Weasley opened the door of the burrow, quickly pulling all of five of them one at a time into a bone crushing hug.

"Merry Christmas to you to Mum." Ginny rolled her eye's, returning her Mother's hug.

"Merry Christmas Molly, thank you for inviting us all round." Harry told Mrs Weasley politely.

"Oh don't be silly Harry dear, I love having my family round." Mrs Weasley grinned, moving on to James.

"Merry Christmas Grandma!' Lily squealed, hugging Mrs Weasley tightly.

The five of them moved into the sitting room where Mr Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Rose, Hugo, George, Angelina, Fred, Roxanne, Percy, Audrey, Molly, Lucy, Bill, Fleur, Victoire, Dominique, Louis, Teddy and Charlie. Ginny had a massive family, but she loved it.

"Merry Christmas Dad." Ginny smiled, bending down to hug her Dad in his armchair.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Ginny told the room.

Deep Within The Soul (Book 2: Sequel to Perfectly Imperfect/ Ginny Weasley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now