Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


January had soon turned into February and February into March, then March into April and every day that passed by was getting even harder for Ginny. James had been missing now for nearly five months and Ginny was starting to loose hope. When James had first gone missing, she'd vowed to herself that she wouldn't ever give up hope on finding her son, but now she was starting to think that she was never going to get James back.

Today, Ginny and Lily were in the house alone and Ginny was working on yet another Quidditch Report for the Daily Prophet. Harry had advised her to stop working for a while, to take a break but Ginny had refused. She knew that by working she'd be taking her mind off of James.

Ginny sighed as she deleted the first full paragraph that she had wrote. She must have deleted each first paragraph that she had wrote at least five times now. None of them sounded right and no ideas were coming to her.

"Urgh! Why can't I get anything right?!" Ginny cried, slamming her laptop lid shut.

"Mum, when's Dad coming home?" Lily spoke from across the Kitchen where she cowering behind the wall.

"I don't know Lils." Ginny sighed, running her hand's through her hair,her elbows resting on the table.

"Hasn't he wrote or anything?" Lily asked.

"I don't know Lily!" Ginny cried, banging her fist's down on the table. "Lil wait I'm sorry!" Ginny cried as her daughter ran from the room in tears.

Harry had been gone for two weeks now with the Auror team as part of their search for James and Ginny hadn't heard from him once. She was beginning to become worried about him as well as being stressed and upset about everything else. She knew that she needed help.

"You need help." A voice from behind her spoke, reading Ginny's mind instantly. Ginny turned around and stumbled backwards when she realised who it was.

"Colette?!" Ginny cried, trying to regain her balance.

"Hey. Oh Ginny, look at you." Colette sighed at her with sympathy.

"I don't want your sympathy Lette." Ginny snapped.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing that I'd tell you if I was there with you. Ginny, you're strong and everybody knows it, but you're not strong enough for this. You've been arguing with Harry, snapping at Lily, avoiding Albus' letter's and your family. Taylor's in despair. For once she's being normal and she doesn't know what to do about you Ginny. You need to do something to help yourself." Colette told her.

"I know, but I don't know what to do Colette. My son is missing and he has been for months. I hardly ever see my husband who is my emotional support and I just feel like I'm alone in all of this." Ginny sighed, sitting back down at the Kitchen table.

"You are never alone Ginevra. You have Harry, Taylor, everybody that cares about you. Even though I'm not there, I'm in a very special place. I'm in there" Colette smiled, pointing to Ginny's heart. "As long as I'm there, I'm still there when you need me."

"Colette...I miss you." Ginny sighed.

"I miss you too. Even Taylor, which is shocking." Colette laughed a little.

"Why are you here?" Ginny asked.

"Because you needed me. Whenever you're in too much pain and you think about the person that you really need if they're dead, they will appear. That's why I'm here." Colette smiled warmly.

"That thing that you were talking about last time Lette, does it have something to do with James' disappearance?" Ginny asked.

"No! Ginny don't ask about it! I'm not allowed to talk about the future! It's Agaisnt the rules!" Colette replied. Suddenly Colette's silhouette began to flicker like it was on a film screen.

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