Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Pain. That's the only emotion that Ginny could feel and had felt for the past three weeks since James had been taken.

The fact that James had gone had ruined everybody's Christmas. As soon as he had gone everybody was in despair. Hermione began crying because Ginny was heart broken and Taylor was quiet for a whole two hours after the news was out.

Lily cried and cried for days like Ginny after James had been taken and Albus wouldn't say a word to anyone. It had affected all of the children badly.

Ginny had hardly seen Harry since he found out that James had gone. As soon as he found out he had apparated to the Auror office to begin the search. Teddy, Bill, Charlie, Mattie and George had all joined Harry and Ron in the search for James. Mr Weasley had also wanted to join the search but Mrs Weasley had told him not to because he was quite immobile at the moment.

Today, Albus was being forced to go back to Hogwarts by Hermione so that he could carry on with his studying. Ginny hadn't forced him, but deep down she knew that Hermione was right. Albus couldn't disrupt his education even though James was missing.

"Mum, what time is Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione picking me up?" Albus walked into the Kitchen.

"Quarter past ten." Ginny answered, placing her coffee mug down on the table.

"Ok. I'm going to go upstairs and get my trunk." Albus told her, disappearing upstairs.

Ginny sighed and ran her hand's through her hair, slumping down in her chair. She'd given up work until James was found because she couldn't concentrate and it was too stressful for her. Nothing was right.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell sounded, meaning that Hermione and Ron were there to pick up Albus. Ginny sighed and stood up, walking towards the front door. She opened it and gave Ron and Hermione a weak smile.

"Ginny. How are you?" Hermione smiled, stepping into the house and pulling Ginny in for a hug.

"That's a bit of silly question to be honest Mione." Ron rolled his eye's.

"I'm holding up I suppose. I swear I haven't seen Harry since Monday. I can't do this without him and he's not here." Ginny sighed, her eye's watering with tear's.

"I know. He's as worried as you are though. He just wants to fine him." Hermione sighed.

"I think he actually slept at the office last night. I'll ask Robards to send send him home for a while." Ron smiled.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me. Thank you both so much for just helping us as well." Ginny smiled.

"Don't be silly Gin. It's what we're here for." Hermione replied.

"Thank you. ALBUS! Are you ready?" Ginny cried up the stairs.

Seconds later, Albus came running down the stairs flattening his hair at the front as he ran. He reached the bottom and began fastening his shoes up. As soon as he had finished, Ginny pulled him in for a hug.

"Mum, I've just flattened my hair and you're messing it up again." Albus moaned, trying to pull away from Ginny.

"Sorry. Sorry. Have fun at Hogwarts won't you? And we'll write to you." Ginny smiled down at her youngest son.

"Of course Mum. I love Hogwarts." Albus replied.

"Ok. I love you honey. Stay safe and I'll see you soon." Ginny smiled.

"I love you too Mum. See you soon." Albus smiled.

"See you later Gin." Ron and Hermione gave her a short wave as the three of them walked down the front path to the driveway.

Deep Within The Soul (Book 2: Sequel to Perfectly Imperfect/ Ginny Weasley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now