Chapter 12

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When we arrived back at the campus, people were running about like crazy. My friends were amongst them too. As soon as Sam’s car pulled up on the driveway, Amelie threw her hands up in the air and started shouting to Kate and the others.

‘They’re here!!’ she screamed.

‘Oh my goodness! Sapphire!’ Electra sprinted up to me and scooped me up in her arms.

‘Whoa guys! What’s wrong?’ I questioned.

‘What’s wrong?’ Marisol was going ballistic.

‘You left without telling us anything! You’ve been gone for hours! And worst of all, you went with HIM?!’ She pointed at Sam as she said this.

‘So I can’t do anything on my own anymore? You all should learn to trust me more, and Sam!’

I was getting angry now. How could they doubt Sam and me? I pulled away from the embrace, and started to walk towards the door.

‘Sapphire...’ Elise began, but I was already running, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I reached the door and slammed it shut behind me. I was so upset, confused, and alone. I felt like I had no one I could trust.

‘That’s not true Sapph. You have me.’ I spun around and saw Sam standing in front of the small table.

‘Oh Sam.’ I started.

‘I don’t know what to do anymore! The vision is so confusing, my best friends don’t trust me, and I’m all alone in this Dea Mia thing. Everyone wants to protect me, but they just don’t understand how hard this is on me.’

‘I know it’s hard to believe people when they say they know how you feel, but I seriously do. There was so much pressure on me at school and at home, so I felt as though I couldn’t be a kid anymore. My whole life revolved around magic and being the best I could be at it. Now, as soon as my Dad isn’t here to boss me around, I’m free to do as I please, but to be honest, I don’t want to.’ He paused and ran his hand through his dark brown hair.

I felt terrible. After everything that was going through my mind, nothing was as bad as Sam had to live with. I’d never had my parents here to tell me what to do so I truly felt sorry for him.

‘Sam, I didn’t know. I’m sorry...’ I whispered.

He glanced up at me, his eyes shining under the bright light.

All of a sudden, the lights were dimming all by themselves! I jumped as I’d never seen anything like this happen before. Sam saw my shocked expression and calmed me.

‘It’s okay, it’s me doing that.’ He stepped forward.

We were standing a few inches apart, yet I felt as though I could hear his heartbeat. My heart was racing like never before as he leaned in closer and closer.

Then, he kissed me. It was a gentle, sweet kiss. He pulled away, far too quickly and I couldn’t help myself but smile. He saw my smile and grinned back at me.

‘I better go upstairs and get dressed. I guess my bloody arms aren’t exactly attractive.’

He snorted. ‘Not really, no. Sorry about that...’

I laughed and walked up the stairs. Sam was still looking at me as I walked. I was feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. I had fallen for the first time for the cutest guy, and he felt the same way.

My day had suddenly gotten a whole lot better.

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